This is the first article in a four-part series, based on my presentation at the Joomla World Conference. We've all been there. You deliver that shiny new website to your client; they are excited to have this new outreach on the Internet; and you're ready to get that final payment when they ask you the question: "So, how do I change this word here?” While the wording may differ from client to client, the underlying question remains the same: “How do I keep my site up to date?” At that point, you probably realize once again that your least favorite task in web design and working with clients is something that once again you have forgotten to finish: documentation.
Many Joomla businesses and marketers seem to hit this wall when they've created some great offer or download, yet find very few people converting on it. While there can be many reasons for this, one common theme I often see is an unbalanced marketing campaign strategy.
In this Joomla whiteboard we will be looking at the concept of builder vs driver marketing campaigns and how they should be balanced and developed as a part of your successful inbound marketing strategy.
Maintaining a secure web site is a top concern for many people. Everyone is looking for the one way to make sure their site is always running, safe, and secure. When someone expresses concern about the security of their site, I usually ask them how old their most recent backup is. Most don't know, or don't have any backup at all.
If you have been using Joomla for an period of time, its easy to forget what it was like to take Joomla for its first test drive. Andrea Dace is the owner of Aesage, an eLearning startup, and this year she chose Joomla to build her company website with Joomla.
You've never gone to a Joomla! event and you don't know what to expect from it? Here are my impressions before and after my first Joomla! event, the Joomla World Conference in San Jose, from November 16 - 18, 2012.
Vous n'avez jamais participé à un événement Joomla! et ne savez pas quoi en attendre ? Voici mes impressions avant et après mon premier événement Joomla!, la conférence mondiale Joomla! de San José, qui s'est tenue du 16 au 18 novembre.
As we begin the new year, here is something to think on... "If you always put limit[s] on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there – you must go beyond them." ~Bruce Lee
Joomla içerik yönetim sisteminin SEO /SEF yapısındaki gelişmeleri tanımak için bile olsa Joomla 3.0 sürümünü kullanmayanların deneyimlemesi gerektiğine inanıyorum. Günümüzde websiteleri, arama motorlarının sürekli gelişen ve değişen algoritmalarına uyum sağlamak zorunda, hal böyleyken Joomla kullanan websiteleri mümkün olduğunca en yüksek sürümü kullanmaları bu uyum için atılacak en iyi adım olacaktır.
Joomla 3.0 ile bazı yararlı Joomla uyumlu eklerinin de yayımlanması ile beraber SEO konusunda dahan iyi bir deneyim sunmayı vaadediyor. Joomla 1.5 / 2.5 için birbirinden fonksiyonel ve bir o kadar da yararlı SEO eklentileri mevcuttu Set Generator Tag, SEOSimple, SEO Pagination, JoomSEF, J!Redirect 301, SH404sef bu eklentilerin en tercih edilenleri olmuştu.
The International Translation Team members are a bit anonymous. They are all great contributors, but not really recognizable in the community. We want to change that! Let’s tell the Joomla Community who they are and share their experiences and expectations with the world!
Joomla! takes security very seriously and is extremely proactive about fixing any issues that may arise. That doesn't mean that there isn't more you can do for your Joomla! website to protect it. Using SSL, you can enable a few features already built-in to Joomla! and protect from some easy exploits that may be taken against your site and users users. Better yet, SSL can be used for other features you may not even know about.
By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to