A l'àrea del disseny i desenvolupament de webs, trobem moltes agències i dissenyadors gràfics que ofereixen els seus serveis per Internet. Moltes vegades visitem els seus llocs i veiem amb enveja com s'apliquen fantàstics efectes a les seves webs i ja voldríem nosaltres de vegades poder implementar més d'algun, als nostres llocs desenvolupats amb Joomla!.
En l'any 2013 hi haurà més dispositius mòbils capaços d'accedir al web. Com presentar el teu lloc web Joomla! a tots aquells usuaris que hi accedeixen des dels seus dispositius mòbils? Un lloc web mòbil, és un lloc web que ha estat optimitzat per funcionar en un navegador mòbil.
This is the second article in a four-part series, based in my presentation at the 2012 Joomla! World Conference in San Jose.
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
Humble Bundle is a project that was recently launched by Dinh Viet Hung of JoomlArt. Anyone who knows Hung, knows his enthusiasm is always on hyper-drive and his ideas are endless. We sat him down long enough to ask him about his latest venture...
One of the presentations I was most interested in during the Joomla World Conference 2012 was Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the JCM (But Were Afraid to Ask) by Alice Grevet and Dianne Henning. They promoted the magazine and how it can be an asset for people with different interests related to Joomla! It made me wonder, how much of Joomla.org is still invisible to the vast majority.
The way we communicate and interact with each other and with a brand has drastically changed over the past few years. Social media, email and blogging have opened the flood gates of personal communication opportunities and we are just at the...
Durant la reunió conjunta de líders a la cimera de Sant Josep, Califòrnia el 15 de novembre de 2012, un tema que els membres dels equips de Joomla Production Leadership (PLT), Community Leadership Team (CLT) i la Open Source Matters (OSM) van estar d'acord , va ser a intentar concloure els objectius de l'equip per al 2013 abans del 31 de desembre de 2012.
En començar el nou any, sempre hi ha algun moment per pensar en ... "Si posa límits en el que fas, tant física o en qualsevol altre nivell, aquest s'estendrà en el seu treball i en la seva vida, no hi ha límits només existeixen altiplans, i vostè no ha de quedar-se aquí - .. ha d'anar més enllà d'ells ." Bruce Lee
Back in 2012 a group of crazy folks got together and decided it was high time that a Joomla User Group be founded in Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro is a city in in Brazil, located in South America. Interest in the Joomla platform is growing in Rio, thus the need for those of like Joomla mind be joined together so that knowledge can be growing at the same time as interest in the Joomla platform.
La Conferència Internacional de Joomla ens dóna el seu suport. Sempre és gent meravellosa quan es reuneixen presencialment. És en aquests moments quan es poden discutir les coses en detall i poder arribar a una solució ràpida i eficaç. A la versió 3.0, tenim problemes d'accessibilitat a la part frontal, així com l'administració. L'objectiu s'ha d'establir pas a pas. No va a succeir durant la nit.
Volunteering to help with Joomla! is fun! Check here for listings of current volunteer openings throughout the Joomla! project that have been posted in the "Help wanted in the community” forum.
JoomlaDay™ events are officially recognized, but not organized, by the Joomla! Project and Open Source Matters, Inc (OSM). Each event is managed independently by a local community.
Desde 2005 utilizando a ferramenta e acompanhando o crescimento dos usuários (comunidade) do CMS Joomla, no Brasil, resolvi obter um panorama da "indústria joomleira" a partir do convite recebido para atuar como curador da Sala 3 – Conteúdo, SEO e Mídias Sociais no Joomla! Day Brasil 2012 (JDBR12). Realizei uma pesquisa exploratória e semi-estruturada para identificar o cenário tupiniquim em torno da ferramenta. Até então não existia qualquer dado que pudesse revelar o perfil dos usuários e/ou nortear estratégias mercadológicas.
The Holiday Joomla! Extension Potluck was held December 5, 2012 at the NextSpace Union Square in San Francisco. An Extension Potluck is something we made up last year where at the end of the year, we meet together and bring a food dish to share with each other and each member shares a "mini-presentation" about a specific extension they enjoy using. 12 members were in attendance which was perfect from a time perspective - only a couple did not share.
Joomla! is fast becoming one of the most popular content management systems in the world, powering almost 3% of the web and exceeding 30 million downloads - the chances are during your day you probably browse at least one website using Joomla!. Many businesses rely on Joomla! for their web presence, but often business owners are not empowered to ensure that their website is being managed properly, or is up to date with the latest security patches. This article gives Joomla! website owners some simple tips to ensure that your website is up to date, and some tools to make that process easier!
I struggled with the necessity of this first article in an extension development series for a while, and finally decided that it was indeed a worthwhile post. It is important to make sure you build a proper foundation and there are several aspects of writing a Joomla! 3.0 component that should be planned right from the very first day. This is the first in a series of articles about extension development, which would not be complete without taking time to discuss the initial steps involved in planning and structuring the extension correctly. Here are those steps I have found to be most effective in beginning a successful Joomla! extension.
In 2013 there will be more mobile devices capable of accessing the web than there will be computers. How do you present your Joomla! website to your users accessing it from their mobile devices? A Mobile website is a website which has been optimized to work in a mobile browser. Using a mobile phone web browser one can directly access these websites. Mobile devices have unpredictable screen sizes and the speed of the internet connection can be low. The loading of images can take longer. This article will describe different approaches to mobilizing your Joomla! website.
What was it that attracted you to Joomla? Was it simply the fact that it's free? Was it the thousands of available extensions? Or were you thrown into the deep-end of an existing Joomla-powered site? Whatever the reason, you might be missing out on an important benefit, that for this slow-learner, took five years to discover.
We are on the brink of a new shift in the web and Joomla has the opportunity to be an early adopter in this shift. Taking part will help place Joomla ahead of other open source CMS's in terms of functionality, increase website conversions, and result in an overall better user experience. So what is this shift I'm talking about? It's the dynamic personalization of a website for the individual visitor. In this JCM whiteboard I will be exploring this concept and challenging Joomla developers to embrace and develop this concept.
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