This article is about building a new vulnerable extension list (VEL) website to support future development with the JED and Joomla core, how it was done, and why.
Débutant ou confirmé ? Nous rencontrons tous parfois le problème pour trouver l'extension répondant entièrement aux besoins du site que nous sommes en train de construire. Parfois c'est un jeu d'enfant, parfois vous avez envie de casser votre poste de travail et de crier à votre client, “Pourquoi, Pourquoiii ?”. Néanmoins, les extensions sont des blocs de construction permettant d'obtenir des sites Joomla! plus puissants. Regardons quelques conseils et directives sur la façon de choisir une extension.
We've all been faced with our fair share of 404 error pages. Now think back to those experiences, do you remember how you reacted?
In Part 1 we looked at some selection steps, now let's go deeper into some of those steps. The one that we call "Please, I need some help...", or, in a word: support. Remember that support on an extension is crucial, but also your input toward the support is also crucial! Let's go over some tips, and remember these come from my personal point of view...
In July of 2010 the first issue of the Joomla Community Magazine was launched. Three years, 1,100 articles, 4,400 comments and one multilingual site later, the JCM is still going strong!
I'm so pleased to be a part of Joomla community in this summer and help out with development while obtaining a great exposure to the open source and web development areas. Through this project I would like to help out Joomla users as well as the developers to get the maximum out of the Joomla modules.
Joomla's got a great thing going right now. There are currently 7.5 million + entrepreneurs using the CMS platform. This equates to about 2.8% of the internet. Surely it will continue to improve and carve out more market share. I wanted to ask you a serious question today: "Is your Joomla site optimized to receive the maximum amount of leads and sales?". What's your answer to that question? Every site needs to have a few things:
Everyone who has a Joomla website sooner or later faces the problem of duplicate pages. So let’s have a look at this problem from inside, we’ll sort out what duplicate pages are, how search engines react to them, and how to get rid of these evil twins.
Depuis quelques mois maintenant, notre série sur le développement pour Joomla! 3.x progresse à un rythme régulier. À ce stade, vous devriez avoir une assez bonne compréhension des bases du développement d'extensions et j'espère que vous avez d'ores et déjà commencé l'écriture de votre propre code. Dans cet article, vous allez pouvoir approfondir vos connaissances en code par l'utilisation de Bootstrap dans le cadre de notre développement. N'oubliez pas de réviser vos connaissances actuelles en relisant les précédents articles de la série.
В першій частині я розповів про практичні аспекти створення та адаптації розширень для Joomla 3. Мабуть ви помітили, що в ній не було нічого принципово нового. Річ у тім, що Joomla 3 настільки нова, що навіть її вдудовані розширення працюють в режимі сумісності з Joomla 2.5. Цього разу мова піде про справді нове. Настільки нове, що поки що немає зразків, щоб подивитися, як же це використовувати на практиці.
This month we had the opportunity to sit down with Sander Potjer. Sander's passion for Joomla! began back in 2005 when he designed and built a Joomla! web site for his rowing team. His involvement with the Joomla! community started in 2008 as co-founder of the local Dutch community
This month we asked our Joomla Global Platinum Sponsors some questions about what attracted them to the project as supporters at this level, and how they felt in regards to the project itself, the community, and the benefits of being a Joomla Sponsor. We also wanted to get to know them better and get a better understanding of how they are connected to Joomla, and learn more about the services they offer.
The Portuguese islands of Madeira lie about 550 kilometres to the west of Morocco. We visit the tropical paradise to see why some of the world’s best hotels are attracting their guests with Joomla! websites.
OK, so maybe "party" isn’t the right word, but Joomla User Group (JUG) in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA) met last Thursday for their 50th meeting.
There's a good chance that if you're a website owner or marketer you're already working hard to drive traffic to your website, however, this is only one piece of the puzzle. Once on your website, you must convert them on some type of offer. This is usually done on a landing page. In today's Joomla Community magazine whiteboard I'll explain some of the more important steps to creating a highly effective landing page. Enjoy and comment with ideas or questions.
In June I will be in São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America. During an event called The e-Show, I will be making a presentation about how the community is important to Joomla! I sent out a request for a video where people would state their names, occupation and proudly say: "I AM JOOMLA!".
In April 2013, Alice and I gave a keynote session about the Joomla Community Magazine at JoomlaDay Netherlands. We spoke about the internationalisation of the JCM and at that time were announcing the launch of the new Spanish section in the May issue.
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
Newbie or oldtimer? We all sometimes have issues finding the correct extension for the site we're building. Sometimes it's a piece of cake, sometimes you could bash up your workstation and yell at the client, "Why, whyyy?". Nevertheless, extensions are the builldingblocks to better and more powerful Joomla sites. Let's look at some pointers or guidelines about how to choose an extension.
Diesen Monat hatten wir die Gelegenheit, Mark Dexter zu treffen und mit ihm über die spannenden Einführung von Joomla! 3.1 zu sprechen. Es ging auch darum, was Mark alles macht im Projekt, über sein Privatleben und wie er mit Joomla! in Berührung gekommen ist.
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