J and Beyond 2014
Investing in our future at J and Beyond 2014
In recent years J and Beyond has offered extensive bug-squashing events and even some development sprints. But they've been in the evening each time or at other semi-unscheduled times. Working groups have been organized and met but they resulted in a lot of talking and discussion but not much else.
This year, a completely new format has been created. The second day of J and Beyond will have a unique structure - in the morning you will be able to join prep sessions, discussions, or workshops but after lunch everyone will form into groups and work together to get things done. Hands-on things (and not just coding), an opportunity to immediately get involved and invest in our future as a community!
That's pretty exciting and a brand-new concept. And with no mandatory stop time, the momentum can carry long into the night. It's completely up to you. Take up the challenge to be a part of our future.
For more information, visit http://jandbeyond.org
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