JET Now Open for JWC15!

JET Now Open for JWC15!

When you're a JET, you're a JET, all the way from your first cigarette, to.... the Joomla World Conference!!

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  8922 Hits

More Bang for Your JCM!

More Bang for Your JCM!

The Joomla Community Magazine exists for the community, and by the community. It’s not called the “Joomla Magazine” for a reason. The JCM was created primarily as a platform for community members to share their stories, tips and knowledge about Joomla. As long as a steady flow of articles comes from the community, the magazine will continue to exist. This has been the case for nearly five years, but lately, submissions have been down. It’s time for the community to rally around the magazine!

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  13207 Hits

Celebrate Pi Day at JoomlaDay Boston!

Celebrate Pi Day at JoomlaDay Boston!

I love organizing events... I'm a member the Joomla Events Team and the Joomla World Conference Team. My favorite event is, of course, JoomlaDay Boston which is happening on March 14th and 15th!

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  10243 Hits

Wheels Up #JWC14!

Wheels Up #JWC14!

It’s the beginning of November and hundreds of people from the global Joomla community are preparing to travel to Cancun, Mexico, for the 3rd annual Joomla World Conference. I’m excited about it. Here’s why…

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  13890 Hits

Joomla! World Conference 2014, Get Your Tickets Now!

Joomla! World Conference 2014, Get Your Tickets Now!

The upcoming Joomla World Conference is just around the corner! I recently sat down with Jon Neubauer, one of the JWC organizers, to learn more about the JWC and everything that is planned. Read through and take advantage of the JCM discount code!

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  15664 Hits

Introducing The Wheel (The Power of Collaboration)

Introducing The Wheel (The Power of Collaboration)

Looking back through history we can see those moments of inspiration and those ‘game-changing’ movements. We admire and respect the innovative leaders which blazed the trail and lead the way into the future. We admire them because we know it’s a difficult job. We admire them because at times they were scoffed and ridiculed their ideas were rejected and their sanity questioned. Yet they continued. They persevered and they saw what no one else saw. They saw the future. And they were overwhelmed with the burden to get us there.

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  11056 Hits

Putting the U in Community!

Putting the U in Community!

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Community Leadership Summit, lead by Jono Bacon and held in Portland, Oregon on July 18-20. I was joined by Sander Potjer (Joomla Community Leadership Team) and David Hurley (Joomla Production Leadership Team and Joomla's Community Manager). This was my first conference that was not a Joomla event, and it was also my first "unconference".

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  11738 Hits

Why do YOU support Joomla!?

Why do YOU support Joomla!?

During the recent Joomla Leadership Summit held on May 27-29, the leadership team was asked to come up with three reasons for "Why am I supporting Joomla, that much?"

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  13691 Hits

J and Beyond 2014

J and Beyond 2014
If you have never attended JAB, you are missing out on a great opportunity to meet and get to know the Joomla community of developers, programmers and designers. This year JAB will be held from May 30 - June 1 in Königstein, Germany. And, they have a new concept...
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  13956 Hits

JoomlaDay Boston 2014

JoomlaDay Boston 2014

With 62 attendees and speakers, we had a great turn-out for the second JoomlaDay Boston event! We had a great group of Joomla folks this year! We teamed up with JoomlaDay New England and Julio Merji even traveled all the way from Rio de Janiero to attend his very first JoomlaDay event!

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  13732 Hits

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