Introducing The Wheel (The Power of Collaboration)

Introducing The Wheel (The Power of Collaboration)

Looking back through history we can see those moments of inspiration and those ‘game-changing’ movements. We admire and respect the innovative leaders which blazed the trail and lead the way into the future. We admire them because we know it’s a difficult job. We admire them because at times they were scoffed and ridiculed their ideas were rejected and their sanity questioned. Yet they continued. They persevered and they saw what no one else saw. They saw the future. And they were overwhelmed with the burden to get us there.

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  10729 Hits

Joomla! 3.1.0 Tag Field

Joomla! 3.1.0 Tag Field

This article describes how to use the new tag field added to Joomla! 3.1.0 and the new tools available for Joomla! developers.

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  265099 Hits

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: More Functionality

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: More Functionality

The Joomla 3.x development series has been progressing steadily for several months now. At this point you should have a fairly good grasp of the basics of extension development and hopefully you've begun writing code of your own. This article will continue to expand your knowledge of code and the use of Bootstrap in your development. Don't forget to review the past articles in this series.

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  227280 Hits

Head in the Tag Clouds

Head in the Tag Clouds

Lately I've been spending almost all of my Joomla! time working on the new tags feature that will be in CMS 3.1. It has been a huge and exciting project, and we'll see it for real on April 15, but in the meantime anyone can test it or even better test and give feedback. So many people have helped already with this, and you can too.

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  18671 Hits

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