JED - El requisit de l'index.html eliminat.

JED - El requisit de l'index.html eliminat.

A partir del dia 1 d'abril de 2013, el Directori d'Extensions Joomla eliminarà el requisit dels arxius index.html a totes les carpetes.

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  10164 Hits

Joomla! 3.1 sortirà el 15 d'abril

Joomla! 3.1 sortirà el 15 d'abril

La versió de Joomla 3.1.0 sortirà el 15 d'abril. Això ens donarà una mica més de temps per provar i ajustar la interessant i nova funció d'etiquetatge, també per arreglar alguns problemes sense importància.

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  13696 Hits

Nuevos vecinos en el Barrio

Nuevos vecinos en el Barrio

Para la comunidad siempre es una alegría ver como nacen nuevas comunidades en torno a Joomla!, más aún cuando son cercanas y hablan nuestro propio idioma.

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  2686 Hits

Joomla! Aterrizó en Valparaíso

Joomla! Aterrizó en Valparaíso

El viernes 22 de Marzo se desarrolló el Joomla! Pizza Valparaíso 2013. Había expectación respecto a la concurrencia, pues era primera vez que Joomla! aterrizaría en Valparaíso, al nuevo JUG Región Metropolitana, cuyos miembros estaban ahí presentes.

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  2601 Hits

Te necesitamos para conversar

Te necesitamos para conversar

Este mes se desarrollará el Joomla! Day Guatemala 2013 en la ciudad de Guatemala. Al igual que el año pasado, habrá invitados que darán conferencias, pero además habrá un debate en vivo con el presidente de la OSM, Paul Orwig.

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  2907 Hits

Introducción a Zoo CCK

Introducción a Zoo CCK

Un CCK, Content Construction Kit (paquete de construcción de contenidos) en inglés, es un componente que te permite mejorar la forma en que publicamos los contenidos y como estos son visualizados en Joomla.

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  8158 Hits

JED - El requisito del index.html eliminado

JED - El requisito del index.html eliminado

A partir del 1 de abril de 2013, el Directorio de Extensiones Joomla eliminará el requisito de los archivos index.html en todas las carpetas.

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  2941 Hits

Control de acceso en secciones restringidas

Cuando desarrollamos un portal con perfiles público y registrado o sea, con contenidos
restringidos solo para usuarios registrados, por lo general, el usuario no registrado al acceder a estos contenidos se encuentra con el mensaje “no tiene autorización para ver este recurso” como se puede ver a continuación...

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  9667 Hits

CDNs for Joomla - A Beginners Guide

CDNs for Joomla - A Beginners Guide

Ever wondered why pages load so fast on large sites? It's because they have good servers and use a Content Delivery Netowork (CDN). I use them on most of my sites and will explain what a CDN is, how it works, and how you can add one to your Joomla web site.

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  36030 Hits

Easy To Use Joomla Search Operator Commands

Easy To Use Joomla Search Operator Commands

Today I'm going to teach you about search operator commands. These little tricks will help you track your Joomla website SEO progress over time.  By using these simple tips and tricks you can figure out what's going on with your website, know if Google is acknowledging your website, and see how Google is actually seeing your website online.

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  23017 Hits

Créer un site multilingue avec Joomla! 3.x

Créer un site multilingue avec Joomla! 3.x

Au JoomlaDay France à Toulouse la semaine dernière, j'ai assisté à la session de Jean-Marie Simonet sur ​​la création d'un site multilingue. C'était tellement fantastique que je dois partager le fichier PDF avec vous!

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  194049 Hits

Interview with Community Development Manager David Hurley

Interview with Community Development Manager David Hurley

This month I had the great opportunity to interview Joomla Development Manager David Hurley.  David walks us through some of the top Joomla development skills and how he's achieved them over the years.  Hope you enjoy the interview!

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  217465 Hits

Listen Up!

Listen Up!

More and more leaders in the Joomla project have been talking about how important it is to listen. At JoomlaDay France last weekend, I had the opportunity to hear in person what people are thinking. It was an enriching experience for me, and sometimes surprising…

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  215263 Hits

Joomla! 3.1.0 Tag Field

Joomla! 3.1.0 Tag Field

This article describes how to use the new tag field added to Joomla! 3.1.0 and the new tools available for Joomla! developers.

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  265100 Hits

Tips to Find a Joomla Developer

Tips to Find a Joomla Developer

How does one go about finding a Joomla Developer around the globe? This article gives you some tips...

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  21997 Hits

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: More Functionality

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: More Functionality

The Joomla 3.x development series has been progressing steadily for several months now. At this point you should have a fairly good grasp of the basics of extension development and hopefully you've begun writing code of your own. This article will continue to expand your knowledge of code and the use of Bootstrap in your development. Don't forget to review the past articles in this series.

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  227282 Hits

Interview with CMSExpo Founder John Coonen

Interview with CMSExpo Founder John Coonen

I had the privilege to interview CMSExpo Founder John Coonen this month. We talked about everything from how he started CMSExpo to what the Joomla community really needs and how they are trying to bring them to life.

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  207092 Hits

Creating Call-to-Actions that Will Actually Get Action

Creating Call-to-Actions that Will Actually Get Action

Your website is finally finished! You have added great content, cool images, the whole nine-yards. Now that your site has been done for a while, you've been doing data analysis for your site and realize people don't seem too interested in downloading your content. Most likely this isn't due to the content on your site, because you have been getting heavy traffic on your blog. Have you ever thought that there could be something wrong with your call to action?

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  18242 Hits

The X Factor and Women in Tech

The X Factor and Women in Tech

Last December I wrote about the "X Factor and Women in Joomla". This time, I am extending it to women in tech. On March 23, I attended the LibrePlanet 2013: Commit Change conference that was held at Harvard University. A two-day conference, I was only able to attend the first day, and I was on a mission to follow up with Marina Zhurakhinskaya from GNOME's Outreach Program for Women.

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  203582 Hits

Leadership Highlights - April 2013

Leadership Highlights - April 2013

It must be that Spring is in the Air! New goals, new plans, new roadmaps, new visions, new events, new leadership members, new processes... And on top of that a brand new developer site!

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  14048 Hits

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