Por Dianne Henning on Lunes, 01 Abril 2013
Categoría: Abril

JoomlaDay Boston, No Blarney!

We had a great turn-out and a high percentage of women (26.6%) at the first JoomlaDay Boston held on March 16 at the Microsoft NERD Center. 

This is a big thank you to all the sponsors, speakers and attendees... YOU made this event what it was! And it was (according to feedback) excellent!

I had the chance to speak with several folks, one of whom told me, "Your $65 event cost me $1400 to get there, but it was the best investment I made all year!". He had gotten an email from one of our sponsors, registered online, and then booked his flight from Oklahoma to Boston just to attend this event! Thank you, Len! 

Some of the feedback: 

You can find links to the slideshows on the sessions page

I want to thank Radek Suski, Mike Carson, David Hurley and Duane Mitchell for your support! You guys kept me going! 

Next year, we are planning a two-day event. Keep your eyes and ears open, and follow us on FaceBook or Twitter for the latest! 

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