Hi, I'm Nico, the co-owner of De Linie ICT, a webdevelopment company from The Netherlands.

Building sites with Joomla! since the Mambo days and no regrets.

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Just another Brazilian nut

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Todd Woodward is the Team Leader of the Joomla User Group (JUG) Team. He is a Technology Trainer and IT consultant based in Tallahassee, FL.

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Patrick Jackson is a long term Joomla user based in Melbourne, Australia, having used Joomla since it was forked from Mambo in September 2005.

Patrick's currently excited to be deep-diving into what Joomla 4's new features are going to bring to the table, and is familiarising himself with GitHub so he can help with resolving some issues during Bugs & Fun At Home to help get Joomla 4 closer, faster.

A Certified Joomla Administrator, Patrick's been involved in the Australian Joomla community since starting the Melbourne Joomla User Group in 2008, and is currently the Team Leader for the Joomla Volunteer Engagement Team. Reach out to Patrick if you're interested in getting involved with Joomla.

Patrick's company, KPS, specialise in hosting and supporting Joomla websites around Australia, and he's currently working on several projects utilising Joomla and to assist Joomla users with tools to help them make more from the Joomla.

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Hi, I'm Maurice. I run an internet company from Etten-Leur in the Netherlands. Also me: married to Ingeborg, father of 2 adults, guitar player, bass player in a band and motorcyclist. And of course I'm a big fan of Joomla!

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Nicholas is a Mechanical Engineer turned web developer. He found Mambo — Joomla's precursor — in 2004 and his life was never the same.

He's the author of several popular extensions for Joomla and a frequent contributor to the Joomla core. He currently lives in the coast of Athens, Greece with his wife, daughter and two cats. He likes to credit the Joomla community for giving him a business and a family — he met his wife at a Joomla conference, after all!

When he's not writing code, documentation or articles for Joomla and his extensions he enjoys tinkering with mechanical keyboards, playing D&D and watching sci-fi series.

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A Joomla hobbyist and active contributor on The Joomla! Forum™.  In a nutshell, his career in Information Technology spans over 40 years, nearly all of that working in various Australian Government departments and agencies.  For the last 15 years of that time, he’s had a keen interest in developing intranet sites and this naturally evolved into the Internet space. His experience covered most activities in the IT field:  systems analysis and design, programming, testing, project management, customer relationship management, knowledge management—you name it and he’s probably had something to do with it (or he managed teams of people who had the subject-matter skills).  He retired from the workforce in January 2007 and, if he thought he was busy when he was working, he’s been busier now than ever—mostly he’s busy having a great time!  When he’s not thinking about world events, Australian politics or making sure he’s not far away from coffee, Michael is involved in helping people make the best use of Joomla.

Most people will recognise Michael by his handle "sozzled".

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Ahmad Moussa is a Joomla! Webmaster since 2013 and has acquired the Joomla 3 Administrator Certification when he visited JoomlaDay Madrid 2017 event in Madrid, Spain. He has a Bachelors Degree (BA) in Computer and Communication Engineering and looking forward to achieve more.

His Joomla! story started in 2013 when he was looking for a CMS, he had read about Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal but was more drawn to Joomla! and decided to build a website for his Village (Lala, West Bekaa, Lebanon) after taking some tutorials. That was the start...after 2 years he wanted to give something back to the community so he started answering few unanswered questions in the forum and just kept going. After that he decided to help more by joining Joomla! Showcase Directory Team, Volunteer Portal Team, Joomla! User Groups Team, Joomla! Community Translation Team, Joomla! Certification Ambassador Team, Joomla! User Research & Strategy Working Group Team, and Joomla! Community Magazine Team...He is really proud to be a Joomler!

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