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Hey, my name is John Rampton and I've been part of the Joomla Community for 10+ years. I love writing and been writing for Joomla Magazine for 6 years. I'm the founder of Calendar & Due.

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A practicing Joomla! trainer, Author, Lecturer and Youth Entrepreneurship advocate in Africa especially in Nigeria. Abdulkadir has been teaching Joomla! since 2009. He loves sharing Joomla knowledge with people particularly the Youths, and Students. Abdulkaidr is currently promoting the use of Joomla! in Nigeria and anywhere he find himself around the world.

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Llewellyn has been using Joomla since 2008. He founded Vast Development Method and have developed countless Joomla extensions over the years. His greatest contrubution to Joomla has been via a project called Joomla Component Builder (JCB) that allows for rapid development of Joomla components for experienced developers.

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