Since its creation, Phil Walton has been using Joomla moving his client base away from his own primitive CMS to Joomla!

Phil is involved in a few departments and initiatives, enjoying the community aspect of Joomla and learning much through the kindness of others.

A member of the London User Group JUGL and a developer in his company SoftForge. Phil also enjoys meeting up with other Joomla Users at J&Beyond and the JWC events.

An avid rower on the Thames, juggler, cricket fan, warm beer tasting expert and unicyclist, he is also a patented inventor and is owned by many cats that take terns in looking after him.

Do you have what it takes to work in the Social Media team?


If you follow Joomla on one of our social media channels, you’ve probably seen them in action: the people of the social media team. And maybe you sometimes wish you could be one of them. You may even have helped them spread the Joomla love by sharing Joomla’s posts on your own timeline (good! You’re already halfway there!). If you love social media and have what it takes to be(come) a genuine Joomfluencer, then read further, because now is your chance to take the stage and make Joomla shine.

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  2024 Hits

What will Joomla 4.2 bring in August 2022?


As we celebrate the launch of Joomla 4.1.0 and enjoy the new features and functionality that it has brought to Joomla there are a few who have been working away on the next iteration of this rejuvenated CMS.

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  31836 Hits

Joomla 5 is in the planning, meet the release leads


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. are the joint release leads for Joomla 5, now in the planning stage. I managed to ask them both for their ideas and views on the project at the end of a Production meeting. This joint venture is being undertaken by two very experienced developers. 

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  39403 Hits

Suit Up, Joomla needs YOU to join its Marketing Team


Those familiar with Superhero movies and comics will know the world is divided into two camps: Marvel and DC. The Marvel superheroes such as Iron man and Captain America, and the DC ones such as my own favourite, Batman.

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  2078 Hits

Work4Joomla. Apply Within!


Many companies use Joomla as the basis for their business. It's in everyone's interest to make Joomla work well. So Work4Joomla, allowing staff to work on Joomla and improve Joomla while at work is an initiative to do just that.

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  2040 Hits

Help4Joomla needs you!


So many people in the Joomla community have hidden talents. They have the skills, software or resources that someone else needs to get something done, but they may not want to go steady and join a team or commit to lots of hours. Likewise, people need a little help but don’t know who to turn to finish a task for Joomla. So how can we bring the talent and the need together?  Here is how you can be part of Help4Joomla. 

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  2060 Hits

The plans for Joomla 4.1


After the release of Joomla 4.0, I met online with Sigrid Gramlinger-Moser and Benjamin Trenkle to discuss the process and people behind the testing and production of Joomla 4.1, the next Joomla minor version.

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  9942 Hits

Design becomes reality. J4 landing page, part 2


For those just joining the story so far here is the first instalment where I discover that there is such a thing called the Joomla 3 landing page, stumble across the designs for the new Joomla 4 landing page and realise there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.

In this episode, we unpack the wonderful work that Chiara Aliotta put into the landing page before the Joomla World Conference in Rome. Get to find out what the webmasters' team do and experience the synergy that goes into making the page happen.

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  3022 Hits

Celebrating Joomla 4

August-J4 Hello Joomla 4.0

In September 2012, Barack Obama had just accepted the second Democratic nomination for US President and his second campaign and election was still to come. In sport, tennis had a new name: Andy Murray, who won his first Grand slam event that month. The world was gripped by the Olympics that summer, the London Olympics.

I was still to become a Grandad. And on the 27th of September 2012, Joomla 3 was released.

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  5739 Hits

Designing the Joomla 4 landing page - part 1

August-J4landingpage Joomla 4 landing page

On becoming Media and Communications Director I worked through the jobs that were on the to-do lists. One looked so simple - Joomla 4 landing page.

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  3630 Hits

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