Last year was arguably the best year ever for Joomla to win awards.
This year has been off to a good start, let us look at why this 17-year-old is still a winning CMS.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the march, coming to the fore in many different industries and work spaces. Its impact is already felt online, with more content and images being artificially generated. What can we do with AI right now in conjunction with Joomla? This article explores what's already out there and what could be around the corner for joomla and AI.
Wouldn't it be great if Joomla had a coherent look and feel to its real estate, all those sites that are under the Joomla banner, as well as feeding into the Joomla template that people use?
Well now is your chance to have your say in how they will all come together!
I remember when the internet was first popularised and the words “world wide web” and “internet” became essential for any headline writer. Soon after the point that the average person in the street would rant “If I hear one more mention of this wibbly wobbly web thingy Im going to” and you can use your own imagination to end that sentence.
Wait, what? Joomla 5? Surely that’s a typo?
It is not. You read correctly: Joomla 5 is on the horizon and due to land in October 2023. JCM has the pleasure to meet with Release Manager Harald Leithner, who is excited about all the improvements coming our way!
What’s in store for Joomla 4.4? JCM meets the Release Managers, Allon Moritz and Martin Kopp. Let’s find out who they are and what they like most about Joomla 4!
Whenever Joomla gets picked as a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) candidate there is a flurry of activity around several projects. In 2022 one of the projects put forward was Guided Tours. This is a project that has been tackled by several students over several years and each one has nudged closer to the finishing line, but never quite got there. That's why it's especially gratifying to see Guided Tours as the main feature of the Joomla 4.3 release. It's the culmination of a lot of teamwork and a great example of what can be achieved if you just keep at it.
In the previous article, I looked at Matomo, what it is and what it does.
There were several pros and cons that we went through and the costs were made clear. In this follow up I will go through the resources that are available to use Matomo as either a self-hosting package or a cloud package.
So what's certification all about and why does it matter?
Is it worth creating a Joomla 4 certification and would those who did the Joomla 3 certification want to become retested against Joomla 4?
What does a Joomla 4 certificate bring to Joomla and more important, who is going to make it happen?
I was privileged - and I mean privileged - to watch the release of Joomla 4.2.7.
It went wrong, there was a bug, and according to some on social media the sky was about to fall in, but what unfolded was impressive and makes me feel that Joomla is in good hands.
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