JoomlaDay Bangalore, yeah we did it!

JoomlaDay Bangalore, yeah we did it!

Almost a year ago, Bangalore was striking social media channels with JWC 2015 hashtag and here it was back again. This time it was JoomlaDay Bangalore, India #jd16in. Yes, it finally happened with the initiative of the Joomla User Group Bangalore. 

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A Selfless Effort to Grow Together

A Selfless Effort to Grow Together

Quite a sarcasm it is whenever we hear 'selfless' in this world where being self-less is actually less or rare. We are trained now a days by our elders that 'every person is selfish today, be careful..ssshhhh!'. Does this happen with you all as well ? If yes, then read further to break their heart with the power of our community love and to prove them that it is no more a reality but a mere illusion because We Have Joomla! here :)

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Captivated by Joomla's Magic!

Captivated by Joomla's Magic!

How can anyone be crazy about some application, game, or web technology? This was me few years ago, until I came across this powerful content management system: Joomla!




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Writing together with new contributors at #jwc15

Writing together with new contributors at #jwc15

This article has been written by the Joomla in Action Workshop during the #jwc15. First we follow the steps for the registration process inside the magazine for the aspiring Joomla writers. After that, every participant wrote a paragraph which is shared in this article.

After that, participants were asked to showcase their writting skills.

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