Worksy Makes Joomla User-Friendly for Non-Techies

Worksy Makes Joomla User-Friendly for Non-Techies

We all love open source, sure, but wouldn’t it be great if open source tools, such as Joomla, were just a bit more user friendly for non-techies? Well, the guys over at Worksy had exactly that thought...

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A Christmas tale from the little country in the north that could

A Christmas tale from the little country in the north that could
- Or how Michael Met Joomla.

It happened in the days of the last weekend of October 2011. People had journeyed from around the globe and throughout the country to attend this recurring yearly event. The event would by many locals be thought of as the one weekend a year that could even measure up with Christmas itself – and this year the expected attendance numbers would climb over 200, although it was only the 2nd time the event was actually held (and thus the event became recurring).

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