GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Final statement)

GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Final statement)

Google Summer of Code is now over. Amazing three months I worked with the amazing team of Joomla. Learnt a lot and had much fun. My project was “Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin” which I wish would be a good addition to the Joomla project.

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GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Status Update)

GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Status Update)

Imagine if the Super User could record the actions of users: who did what, where and when. This is the extension that I am developing in my Joomla! Google Summer of Code Project.

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Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin

Many Joomla! website owners/super-users need to know what other users are changing in their website especially at large scale websites with many users and various access privileges. My proposal for the Joomla! project “Recording actions logs, accessible by super admin” in Google Summer of Code 2016 was the one selected. In this article, I explain how I see the project and what would be the outcome of it.

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