You may have noticed when you scroll down the pages in the magazine that there's a blue-coloured bar (just below the menu items at the top of the page) that moves.
Before we talk about Joomla, ask yourself how often you logout of websites after you’ve finished with them?
My association with Joomla has mostly been enjoyable: I’ve made some good friends… although I have my share of frenemies as well. I’ve travelled the country and the world and I even have a photo memento of me giving Brian Teeman* a smooch on the cheek at J & Beyond in 2013. But above all, I’ve learned so much from the almost-daily contact I have with Joomlers everywhere whether they’re first-time newbies or whether they’re hard-core web evangelists. I wouldn’t have missed it for quids.
What makes a website a target of attack? Is your website a potential target? Do you know if your website is being targeted?
It must be stated at the outset that Joomla! is a wonderful platform for building websites. I also believe that J! 4.x is a good foundation for building websites and if you want to build a new website using Joomla! I would recommend that you use the latest version of J! 4.x.
It is possible to use generic webmail accounts (e.g. Gmail,, iCloud) with Joomla! but there are constraints on their use and some people have problems configuring their websites to use them. This article is not about how to fix webmail-to-Joomla! configuration issues. This article is about the appropriateness in choosing to use webmail accounts when developing Joomla! websites for your business or for your clients.
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