Since 2006 I have been working with the Joomla! CMS. Besides building and maintaining Joomla! websites and webshops, I am also familiar with SEO, hosting and developing extensions. Furthermore, I am a frequent visitor and speaker at JoomlaDays and various Joomla user groups.

I am committed to the Joomla! community as a member of the Extensions Directory team and the organization of Joomla user group Breda and JoomlaDagen Netherland

Do more with the Joomla dashboard

How to customize the backend

As a web designer or developer, you work hard every day to create beautiful and efficient websites. But what about the Joomla Dashboard? Do your clients tell you Joomla is too difficult, or do you still struggle with illogical menus, unnecessary tabs, and a pile of information you never use? Good news: you can fully customize the admin panel to your needs! No more frustrations - just a backend that works for you.

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