Joomla's TUF time is a winner at cloudfest hackathon


Joomla was one of the winners of the CloudFest Hackaton with its TUF Project.

Elisa Foltyn shared with our readers some notes about the hackaton initiative.

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Episode IV - A new User Interface for the Joomla Backend

Episode IV - A new User Interface for the Joomla Backend

On November 17, the first Alpha for Joomla 4 was released. Whilst this release was intended for developers to check their extensions as soon as possible for their compatibility the Joomla 4 User Interface Team has something nice in store for you. In the last few years, we have been planning, discussing and drafting different concepts of the Joomla 4 backend. First of all: the chance to work on the overall backend user interface is a really big honour for us and we say thank you to all those that welcome us to such a great team. It’s a pleasure to work with such passionate people. Our challenge was to design a backend that mostly fits into the given technical structure of Joomla and to change as much as needed, but as little as possible. We want to invite you to take a ride through the draft of the Joomla 4 Backend design.

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