As a co-founder of Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc I've never been known to be lacking an opinion or being too afraid to express it.

Despite what some people might think I'm a shy and modest man who doesnt like to blow his own trumpet or boast about achievements.

You don't need a badge to polish to contribute to Joomla you just need to roll up your sleeves and do it.

JoomlaDay UK 2016

JoomlaDay UK 2016

JoomlaDay UK is back on Saturday 13th February, right in the heart of London, just 250 yards from Buckingham Palace. Will we have a special guest? Will you be there? During J and Beyond 2015, a group of Brits met up to reboot the event and make JoomlaDay 2016 a real community event.

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  9079 Hits

Did they fix it yet?

Did they fix it yet?

Joomla 3.4.4 is scheduled for release on Monday 7th September and a release candidate is available for testing. Each time there is a new release, whether its a bug fix release or a new feature release, you will always find people asking "have they fixed this yet?" or complaining that "this bug that has been there for years" has still not been fixed.

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Celebrate Joomla's 10th Birthday

Celebrate Joomla's 10th Birthday

On August 17th Joomla will be 10 years old. That's a truly amazing achievement for any open source project especially one that is 100% community run without any corporate overlord or backer. 10 years of a global community working together motivated not by money or personal gain but solely to create something that the world can use freely. As I look back to the events of August 2005 and the decision we made to leave the comfort of Mambo and start this journey it is hard for me to believe what we have achieved in that time.

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  11231 Hits

Préparation pour parler lors d'une conférence

Préparation pour parler lors d'une conférence

Ne laissez personne vous dire que vous êtes trop inexpérimenté pour parler lors d'une conférence – tout le monde a quelque chose à partager. Pensez-vous vraiment que certaines personnes naissent orateurs – tout le monde doit parler une première fois. L'idée de parler devant une audience peut être très effrayant, même pour les orateurs expérimentés. Cela requiert beaucoup d'organisation, de préparation et d'entrainement – ne laissez personne vous dire le contraire.

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  22581 Hits

Preparing to Speak at a Conference

Preparing to Speak at a Conference

Don't let anyone tell you that you are too inexperienced to speak at a conference – everyone has something to share. Do you really think that people were born as speakers – everyone has to speak for the first time. The thought of speaking in front of an audience can be scary even for experienced speakers. It requires a lot of planning, preparation and practice – don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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  13244 Hits

Golden Times Ahead at J and Beyond 2015

Golden Times Ahead at J and Beyond 2015

With our theme "Golden times ahead - this is where the future of Joomla happens!" J and Beyond is the International conference for Joomla Developers and site integrators from around the world.

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Golden Times Ahead au J and Beyond 2015

Golden Times Ahead au J and Beyond 2015

Sur le thème "Golden times ahead - this is where the future of Joomla happens!" (que l'on pourrait traduire par "L'age d'or est à venir - c'est ici que le futur de Joomla! se met en place"), J and Beyond est la conférence internationale pour les développeurs et intégrateurs en provenance du monde entier.

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  8668 Hits

Впереди золотые времена - вот где происходит само будущее Joomla!

Впереди золотые времена - вот где происходит само будущее Joomla!

С нашей темой "Впереди золотые времена - вот где просходит само будущее Joomla!", "J and Beyond" - это международная коференция для разработчиков и интеграторов [системы] Joomla! со всего мира.

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  8850 Hits

There is Never Enough Time - The Volunteer Paradox

There is Never Enough Time - The Volunteer Paradox

Listening to Tessa's keynote on Volunteering at JoomlaDay Israel a thought struck me. If volunteering is so great, and I think it is and I have done it all my life, then why doesn't everyone do it and why don't those of us that do volunteer do it more. I have travelled the world and met so many people with amazing passion and skills for Joomla and yet I never see them contributing. Why is that? Is the problem with us? Is this a problem we can and should be solving? There are so many different ways that people can volunteer to help the Joomla project, so what is stopping some people from giving their time?

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  15680 Hits

Joomla's Got Talent - Have you got the J Factor?

Joomla's Got Talent - Have you got the J Factor?

From May 30 to June 1st near Frankfurt, Germany the Joomla community from across the world will be gathering at J and Beyond for 3 days of "Investing in our Future". This is the 5th year of J and Beyond and each time we try to do something a little different. This year is no exception.

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  13792 Hits

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