Before I decided to go pro with Joomla (in 2014) I was a writer/journalist for 15 years.

In 2009 I started working with Joomla, not knowing anything about webdesign. I joined a JUG in 2012, two months later I was co-organizer :) (and stayed co-organizer for about five years). I wrote articles about Joomla in a Dutch webdesigner magazine and speak at JUGs and JoomlaDays. I was on the Dutch JoomlaDagen team for three years. Since 2017 I'm a member of the team organizing Joostock (a Joomlacamp/unconference event).

I was the editor of the Dutch Joomla web agency brochure, a brochure webdesigners can use to convince their potential clients that Joomla is the right choice for them.

At Joomla Forum for the Future (2020) I volunteered to contribute as an author/blogger/copywriter.

I run a web agency in the Netherlands, WebLab42, with my partner. We create and maintain websites for small businesses and non-profit organisations.

How to keep the fun in working together


Working together as a global community can be fun. It can be rewarding. It can make you feel part of something bigger than yourself. And at times it can be frustrating, tiresome and infuriating because in every community there can be disagreement, misunderstanding and lack of comprehension. The question is: how do you deal with that? Or, better, how do you solve it before it turns into conflict, and keep the fun in working together?

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  3059 Hits

How I learned Joomla - Eoin Oliver

Eoin Oliver

Eoin Oliver can’t really remember when he made his first Joomla website, but he does remember that it was a very cool one, and how amazed he was to have professional software to build it with. He played around with several different systems before he decided to go with Joomla.

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  5089 Hits

New to Joomla? Great tips for newbies!


OK, so you’re about to create your first Joomla website. But where do you start, and what do you do after that? Who can help you? Where do you find good resources? Do you need to install a template? Will you need extensions to add functionality? Getting to know Joomla and all its possibilities can be a bit overwhelming. But we’ve all been there, and we got your back! For this article, Joomlers from all over the world share their golden tips with us to get you going. Dive in, explore, be patient and have fun!

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  5726 Hits

19 common mistakes about Joomla extensions - Part 1

November-ExtensionsMistakes Choosing and using extensions

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself,” is a famous Eleanor Roosevelt quote. In this article series, we list the most common mistakes users make when choosing and using extensions for their Joomla website(s), and how you can avoid them.

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  4539 Hits

Meet a Joomler: Viviana Menzel

December-Viviana Meet a Joomler: Viviana Menzel

Viviana Menzel is co-organizer of JoomlaDay Germany, a member of Joomla’s CMS Maintenance team and, together with Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, team leader of the Frontend Template Working Group. Would you like to know how this Argentinian biology graduate ended up in Germany building websites for a living? Read her story below!

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  33956 Hits

Joomla becomes CVE Numbering Authority: what does this mean?

December-CVE CVE number meaning

You may have read about it in the official announcement: Joomla has been authorized as a CVE Numbering Authority. But what is this, you might wonder, why is it such a big deal, and what does it mean to the average Joomla user?

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  3427 Hits

19 common mistakes about Joomla extensions part 2

November-ExtensionsMistakes Choosing and using extensions

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself,” is a famous Eleanor Roosevelt quote. In this article series we list the most common mistakes users make when choosing and using extensions for their Joomla website(s), and how you can avoid them. 

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  3837 Hits

It’s not about the money


Unlike other open-source CMS projects, Joomla is fully volunteer-driven. This means there’s no large company behind it and no corporate interests to take into account. We have a genuinely non-profit organisation, Open Source Matters, facilitating the project by providing financial, legal and organisational support. Every penny Joomla gets from partnerships and sponsors goes directly into the project, and no one contributing to Joomla gets paid. So why do we do it?

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  3546 Hits

Meet a Joomler: Russell Winter


Beach bum meets geek! Russell Winter, who lives on Australia’s Sunshine Coast, has been involved with the Joomla! community since the early days. He worked for and helped organise the very first Joomla Day Australia.

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  3595 Hits

Forum for the Future: where are we now?


You may have heard of it, read about it, or maybe even been there: in the beginning of 2020, Joomla’s Forum for the Future took place in Marbella, Spain. You might be wondering what happened there, what happened after, and where we are now.

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  6173 Hits

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