Joomla 4 stable is coming closer every day! If you have been around since Joomla 2.5, or even 1.5 or 1.0, you may remember upgrading as a difficult process, mainly caused by extensions not being ready for the new major version. With Joomla 4 on the way, the JCM asks extension developers what’s going to happen with their extension(s). Joomlashack has been around from the very beginning of Joomla, so if anyone knows what to do when a new major version comes out, it’s them! This month we had the pleasure of talking to Joomlashack’s CEO Steve Burge, who is pleasantly surprised by the smoothness of Joomla 4.
Darek Śnieg is the Support Team Lead at, the hosting company where you can launch your own website for free. The first Joomla website he made was for an organization of former career soldiers. This was ‘a lot of fun, but also quite a challenge’, that required some creativity and some inventive moves. Darek would advise everyone who needs more than a business card website to choose Joomla: “You’ll thank me later.”
Listen, understand and help solve the existing problems: that’s what Philip Walton planned to do once he got elected as Joomla’s new Marketing and Communications Department Coordinator (and had started doing already in the weeks before). JCM had the pleasure of interviewing this highly committed brand new DC, who is, according to his Manifesto, happy to roll up his sleeves and get on with the job - but he may need you and me and a couple of others to become a ‘unified force’ and really get the job done.
As you may have noticed (and who wouldn’t): Joomla 4 Release Candidate is out! Extension developers have been working hard on making their extensions compatible. This month Nicolas Claverie talks with us about getting their Joomla e-commerce solutions HikaShop, HikaSerial and HikaMarket ready to run smoothly with Joomla 4.
Before Rachel Walraven decided to build websites for a living, she explored several other career options, all very non-tech. When she made her first website, she knew next to nothing about web development.
When you hover around in the Joomla Sphere long enough, you’ll see that, like every community, it comes with its own personality types. In this article, you’ll meet a few of them. And if you recognise yourself in one (or more) of these Joomlers, we also advise you on what role you could play in the Joomniverse. Have fun finding your personality type!
With Joomla 4 coming closer, we know that extension developers are working hard to get their extensions compatible with Joomla 4, so you will have a seamless migration once the stable version of Joomla 4 is out. Over the last few months, several extension developers told us where they are in this process and what to expect from them. This month we had the pleasure to interview Rüdiger Schultz, who became an extension developer by coincidence but is now the man behind several interesting extensions.
You probably know by now: Joomla 4, our next major version, is on the way. Over the past few months, many extension developers have been working hard to get their extensions ready for Joomla 4 and make the migration as smooth as possible. In previous issues of the Joomla Community Magazine, we interviewed various extension developers: small ones, big ones, famous ones and not-so-famous ones. This month we talked to Sander Potjer at PWT Extensions.
When Abhishek Das was looking for a more dynamic way to manage his blog website, he tried several content management systems. He chose Joomla because of its flexibility. Abhishek wasn’t trained as a web developer (he studied mechanical engineering), but after his first website, he started developing extensions nevertheless and learned programming during the process.
If you’ve ever migrated your website from one major version to another, for instance from 1.5 to 2.5 or from 2.5 to 3, you may have experienced difficulties with extensions not being fully compatible. So with Joomla 4 on the way, you might want to know if your extensions will be ready on time. That is why your Joomla Community Magazine asks the developers! This month, we interviewed Tassos Marinos who guaranteed us his extensions are 100% compatible already.
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