Ever heard of unconference events? Joomla has at least two: JoomlaCamp in Germany and Joostock in The Netherlands. David Jardin is one of the organizers of JoomlaCamp, JCM’s Anja de Crom is in the Joostock Team. They love to share with us what unconferences are all about and how Joomla can benefit from them.
Within the endless and powerful Joomlasphere, there is at least one team we all have an opinion about. Over the last few years, on countless occasions, I’ve seen social media postings stating that “marketing” should do this, that, or something else. Which was interesting, because for a large part of those few years, “marketing” didn’t really exist. But today the JCM proudly presents to you: the good people of the new and improved Joomla Marketing Team (and for everyone with an opinion about marketing: yes, you can join)!
"Hey! There’s going to be a Joomla User Group right here in this neighborhood," my partner Hilda said. "The first meeting is next week. You are going to attend." No way was I going to attend. The whole idea of going there didn’t appeal to me at all. So I said: "Nah, I don’t know. This is for people who know much more about Joomla than I do. Not for me."
Ever heard somebody say "there is no I in team"? It's a sports expression managers like to use to imply that the best way to achieve your goals is to set your individual needs aside and come together as a team to accomplish great things. That may all very well be true, but when you think about it, you'll find every successful team has a few I's in it. Ideally at least six. Are you in one of Joomla's teams? Then read further and find out if your team has all the I's dotted!
Did you ever feel like you’re the only Joomla user in the village, and wish you could meet Joomlers in your neighborhood? You might join a Joomla User Group, and if there isn’t one where you live, create one. Joomla has people who can help you find, run or create a Joomla User Group. They’re called - you could have guessed it - the Joomla User Groups Team, and they’re here for you. This month the JCM has the pleasure to meet four of them!
What do you do when you want to explore a functionality you didn’t know yet, or you want to know how a Joomla feature works, or you just want to know how to get something done? Most people will RTFM, or Read The Fine Manual, aka the Joomla Documentation. And guess what: Joomla’s Fine Manual doesn’t write itself, there are actual people doing this. We’ve talked to two of them. Read all about this nice team, their important job and how you can help or even join them!
Remember from the movie way back in the eighties: “If there's something weird, and it don't look good, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!”? In Joomla we have our own ghostbusters. They’re called the Bug Squad, our own special forces, fixing weird things that don’t look good and other stuff that is broken. But who are these people? What do they do? And could you be one of them? Read and know!
The Joomla Community Magazine comes out each month with at least 10 - ideally more - articles on everything Joomla. Our magazine allows people to discover Joomla core’s features, read case studies, and get to know Joomlers, members of the leadership, extensions developers and template designers through interviews. We do this with a team that is very enthusiastic and dedicated, but a little too small. We would very much like you to join us - here's the vacancies we currently have!
So you are looking at the Joomla Volunteers Portal and browsing through the list of teams, and all of a sudden you see “CMS Maintenance Team”, and you might wonder: what is this team? What do they do? Who is in it? Are they happy with what they do? You are about to find out: meet the CMS Maintenance Team!
Last month, as the start of a new series, we introduced ourselves, the Joomla Community Magazine Team. This month we have the pleasure to get to know the CMS Release Team, the people who make sure every new release of Joomla goes as smoothly as possible. Pleased to meet you, CMS Release Team!
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