You probably knew Open Source Matters, the organization behind Joomla, has a Board representing all volunteers. We also have a group of experts who help Joomla grow and achieve its goals, by lending us their skills, advising us, guidance, and knowledge. These wonderful people form our Advisory Board, and a brand new one has just started their term. Let’s find out who these people are and where they come from, what skills they bring to Joomla, how they can help Joomla forward and what ideas they have for Joomla’s future!
The future of Joomla looks bright and sunny, if you ask our new Vice President, Philip Walton. In his capacity as Marketing / Outreach Department Coordinator, he put lots of effort into making Joomla grow. He is and has been working on making our community more welcoming and safer for everyone. What else does he want to achieve in his new role as VP? Read this interview and you know!
After our special showcase article for Joomla’s 18th birthday last month, we got messages from more Joomla-enthusiasts willing to show their work in the Joomla Community Magazine. Check out these websites, all built with love, passion, craftsmanship and Joomla!
You may have heard of it already: the EU is preparing its Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), a European law about hardware and software. This CRA is coming our way, and it affects Joomla and other open source software.
It’s that time of the year again: we’re celebrating Joomla’s birthday. August 17, Joomla turned 18. For this special birthday edition article, we’ve asked Joomlers from all over the world to share with us one Joomla 4 website they’re particularly proud of. The result? See for yourself: a wonderful variety from blog to business, from shop to business directory and from government to community. All built with love… and Joomla!
Twice a year it’s election time in the JoomlaSphere! This time, four board positions will be open for election. Some of these officers may run for another term in their position, others won’t. Are you wondering how you can help push Joomla forward, and/or do you have ideas for that? Find out how you can become a candidate for Joomla’s Board of Directors, and which positions are up for election!
Joomla has built-in functionality for embedding videos from, for example, YouTube or Vimeo or any other platform that provides embed codes. You don’t have to install anything for this; all you need is a little preparation.
If you want to learn more about Joomla, you have the Joomla documentation, tutorials (written ones, like the ones in the Joomla Community Magazine, and video tutorials), or you can ask questions in the forum, on social media, in the Joomla Improvers channel on Mattermost or on StackExchange. But, people, nothing beats a book. Yes, a book. With pages, and all the information nicely structured in chapters and paragraphs. Are you looking for books about Joomla 4? We hear you: here’s a list of books! For beginners, experienced users, and developers. Start reading!
The CloudFest Hackathon is an annual event in Rust (Germany) that brings together developers, designers, and open source enthusiasts from around the world. They collaborate and innovate on various projects, aiming to create cutting-edge solutions that address different challenges in the world of web hosting and content management systems. Like last year, a team worked on a new core Joomla feature: a multidomain solution. In this interview, Elisa Foltyn and Timo Feuerstein tell us what happened.
At the moment of writing (mid April 2023), Crystal Dionysopoulos has survived her first few weeks as President of the Board of Directors of Open Source Matters (the organisation that powers Joomla). We at the JCM are very curious about our new president: what is she like, what will she bring and how can we all help her move Joomla forward?
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