Before I decided to go pro with Joomla (in 2014) I was a writer/journalist for 15 years.

In 2009 I started working with Joomla, not knowing anything about webdesign. I joined a JUG in 2012, two months later I was co-organizer :) (and stayed co-organizer for about five years). I wrote articles about Joomla in a Dutch webdesigner magazine and speak at JUGs and JoomlaDays. I was on the Dutch JoomlaDagen team for three years. Since 2017 I'm a member of the team organizing Joostock (a Joomlacamp/unconference event).

I was the editor of the Dutch Joomla web agency brochure, a brochure webdesigners can use to convince their potential clients that Joomla is the right choice for them.

At Joomla Forum for the Future (2020) I volunteered to contribute as an author/blogger/copywriter.

I run a web agency in the Netherlands, WebLab42, with my partner. We create and maintain websites for small businesses and non-profit organisations.

Covid-19 Survey Tool built in Joomla!


One of our clients at WebLab42 is a public health and safety organisation in The Netherlands aiming to protect the safety of everyone in the region. Police, fire squad and health and safety institutes work together in this organization. During the Covid-19 situation, we got a phone call from our contact: “Could you help us out? We need a tool to gather data from all kinds of health institutes on a daily basis, and we need this integrated in our website. And it needs to be up and running next Tuesday.”

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Leadership Interviews: Elisa Foltyn

Joomla's Vice President Elisa Foltyn

"Joomla is an amazing and powerful system, and has a great community" Elisa Foltyn stated in her manifesto prior to her election as Joomla’s Vice President. Elisa studied marketing as well as media design and has lots of experience in web development. She knows Joomla, she knows the community and she knows how to get the message to the whole world, which is exactly what she would like to see happen for Joomla.

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Leadership Interviews: Marco Dings


Before Marco Dings started his own web agency he had a career in IT. He worked for several large top tier companies and has experience in leading international teams. Marco became actively involved in Joomla when he merged his business into a bigger, full-service UK based web agency that employed several Joomla main contributors.

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Leadership Interviews: Hugh Douglas Smith


“What Joomla needs now is a strategy for the future which gives us the ability to survive and grow.” That is what Hugh Douglas-Smith stated in his manifesto when he ran for Legal & Finance Department Coordinator on the OSM Board. Hugh has been on the board as Operations DC for the last two years.

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