Before I decided to go pro with Joomla (in 2014) I was a writer/journalist for 15 years.

In 2009 I started working with Joomla, not knowing anything about webdesign. I joined a JUG in 2012, two months later I was co-organizer :) (and stayed co-organizer for about five years). I wrote articles about Joomla in a Dutch webdesigner magazine and speak at JUGs and JoomlaDays. I was on the Dutch JoomlaDagen team for three years. Since 2017 I'm a member of the team organizing Joostock (a Joomlacamp/unconference event).

I was the editor of the Dutch Joomla web agency brochure, a brochure webdesigners can use to convince their potential clients that Joomla is the right choice for them.

At Joomla Forum for the Future (2020) I volunteered to contribute as an author/blogger/copywriter.

I run a web agency in the Netherlands, WebLab42, with my partner. We create and maintain websites for small businesses and non-profit organisations.

Join the Joomla Override Challenge!

Join the Joomla Override Challenge!

A different view for a core Joomla module. An event calendar based on the category blog view. A photo gallery, also based on a category blog. A directory. A product listing. These are just a few examples of the great things you can achieve by overriding Joomla’s core.

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Leadership Interview: Marianela Queme, Marketing and Communications DC


Marianela Quemé has been Assistant Department Coordinator for Marketing and Communications since early 2020. When the position of Department Coordinator became vacant, she decided to go for it and got elected. Marianela is a systems engineer who enjoys learning new technologies.

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  3905 Hits

Where to find the best Joomla tutorial videos

Where to find the best Joomla tutorial videos

We all have them: those moments when you wish someone showed you how. How to install or use an extension, how to configure something within Joomla core, how to use the SEO settings, how to make a multilingual website, how to maintain your website and keep it safe, how to create overrides... The ultimate how-to is, of course, a video, so here’s a listing of the best Joomla tutorial videos.

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  14984 Hits

How to increase Joomla’s market share

How to increase Joomla's market share

Joomla is an amazing piece of software. It’s extremely powerful, super flexible and very reliable. With Joomla, you can create any kind of website. I know that. You probably know that. But the rest of the world? Not so much, which translates in Joomla’s market share dropping. The good news is: I can do something about that, and so can you.

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10 Reasons why Joomla is the ideal CMS for web agencies

Joomla, the ideal CMS for Web Agencies

As a web agency, you may be looking for the CMS that fits your clients’ needs best, so you can create professional, powerful, secure, mobile-friendly and easy-to-maintain websites for them. Look no further: Joomla, time and time awarded as “best free CMS”, has it all. It’s versatile, flexible, easy to use, secure, and suitable for countless types of websites. And on top of all that it’s completely free. We give you ten reasons why you should try it today!

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  4031 Hits

Leadership Interview: Jaz Parkyn


Elections happen twice per year in Joomla and the Magazine takes this opportunity to interview the newly elected Board Members to know their program and vision for their role. In this election cycle, Jaz Parkyn has been confirmed at the head of the Programs Department of Joomla, the house of the Certification Team, Volunteers Engagement Team, Education Outreach and Joomla Event Travellers Program.

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  4054 Hits

Meet a Joomler: David Jardin

August-DavidJardin David Jardin

David Jardin made his first website at the age of 13, for his brother’s football team. He got involved in the German Joomla community a couple of years later. David, who’s a sucker for good food and nerdy conversations, started his own business as a freelance web developer and became more and more active in the community.

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  3635 Hits

Joomla extensions: where to find them?


With all its options and all kinds of custom fields available in the core, Joomla is a pretty complete content management system. But sometimes you need functionality that is not among the core features. A webshop, for instance,  enhanced forms, a newsletter, e-learning platform, a gallery or a different template. For these purposes you can use an extension.

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  4677 Hits

Meet a Joomler: Alison Meeks

Alsion Meeks

If you follow Joomla on one of the social media channels, the name Alison Meeks might have a familiar ring to it: Alison is everywhere!

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  3112 Hits

Meet a Joomler: Martijn Maandag

Martijn Maandag

Martijn Maandag is the Dutch translation coordinator for the Joomla core. He also translates the release announcements for Joomla and puts them on the Dutch Joomla forum, a forum he moderates as well. Besides this, Martijn translates documentation on and marks documentation for translation, and, if that wasn’t enough already, he also provides translations for several Joomla extensions.

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