Matt Lipscomb is a member of the Community Leadership Team (CLT), Co-Manager of the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) and the Joomla! Resources Directory (JRD). In his day job he is Creative Director for USA Freelancers, a Joomla! web design team.
On January 10, the Joomla! leadership and community celebrated the healthy arrival of version Joomla! 1.6, weighing in at a strapping 8MB. January has been a month of celebration, as a new era is born!
OSM is starting off the New Year in road map mode. Coordination, foresight and planning are key ingredients to a successful project. In the coming weeks a budget process and timeline will be submitted to the community for feedback. Our goal is to include a unified road map in this process with input from all the leadership. In addition to mapping our course, a road map can help identify areas for community involvement.
It's time to CELEBRATE! Joomla! 1.6 will be out this month! Put on your party hats, crank up the music, pop open the bubbly, grab a partner and do the happy Joomla! dance of joy!
Open Source Matters is the non-profit organization managing legal, financial, and trademark related matters for the Joomla! project. November's report covers some of the initiatives begun over the past few weeks that have been shared with the community for feedback.
Our Joomla! community spans the globe. The sun never sets on Joomla!, or on the people who create, develop and think up new ideas, every day, in dozens of different languages.
As he serves his country, Michael Babker finds time to serve the Joomla! project. In January 2010 he downloaded his first copy of 1.5, and hasn't looked back. He jumped into the forums and started tracking bugs. His contribution to 1.6 code is significant, and his fellow devs highly value his team work. On September 21st, the Joomla! community got a chance to show their appreciation...
Our Joomla! community spans the globe. We are people who are resourceful, entrepreneurial, geeky, ingenious, artistic, and generous. We like to learn, and we like to instruct. We come in every color humanly possible. The sun never sets on Joomla!, or on the people who create, develop and think up new ideas, every day, in dozens of different languages.
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