Tribute to Hagen Graf


It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Hagen Graf, a Joomler from the very beginning and a really nice guy.

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Tribute to Marco Dings


In the past days the Joomla Community has been hitted by very sad news, Marco Dings, a beloved Joomla contributor passed away. 

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Tribute to Peter Russell


On June 24, 2022, Peter Russell passed away. He has been a co-founder of Joomla and he left memories in many members of the Community. In this article, Alison and Jennifer wanted to share some comments on Peter.

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Tribute to Antonio Copiello


Tonicopi, a friend.

On January 7 we gathered in the square in Dueville, Vicenza, to say goodbye to you

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In memory of Vito Disimino: 11/2/1958 - 11/2/2021


Dear friends, on November 2nd 2021 our Vito Disimino, precious Vito, left us at only 63 years old. He had an incurable disease with which he fought to the end. We are all heartbroken, he was a trusted friend even before he was a colleague, a valuable Joomler, a great Leader.

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Memoriam - Fiona Coulter

April-Fiona Fiona Coulter

Towards the end of March, I had to share with the community that one of my collegues, sounding board and friends from JSphere had passed away after a long illness bravely fought (T4C) Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

I met Fiona who ran Spiral Scripts while working on the Vulnerable Extensions along with Bernard Toplak and the security forum. The extension that runs the VEL was written by her. Many people who worked with her expressed their sorrow and I have passed their condolences on to the family.

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Tribute to Aris Ntatsis


On June 09, the JCM Team received very sad news: Aris Ntatsis, a valuable team member, esteemed Joomler and founder of the Greek Joomla Community, passed away.

The JCM Team decided to write an article to tribute Aris Ntatsis, collecting some words and memories from other Joomlers, either from the Greek and the Global Joomla Community.

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