Just a Break, no Goodbye - Thank you, Harald Leithner


Elections again… one of the reasons is that you, Harald, stepped down as Operations DC. I understand your decision, being totally in the hot spot of Joomla! leadership is, at times, absolutely no fun. But it is also a very sad moment for the Joomla! project as you, Harald, were the rock in the surf for many people in Joomla!. Hundreds (probably thousands) of volunteers benefited from your support and millions of website owners benefited from your dedication for Joomla.

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Thank you George Wilson - the Great Migrator!

George Wilson

fyi now that the main joomla.org site is on j4. my next target is the magazine”. That was the first sentence of the very first direct message I ever got from George Wilson. Followed by a link, and “i've got a backup here that i'll be working on over the next few weeks. don't need anything from you either (for now). but just to make you aware so that when the moment comes it isn't a total surprise”.

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Thank you Tobias!


Hello Tobias,

After over three years of service your term as Joomla! 3.10 Release Lead is over. What should I say? It had its ups and downs but the stable factor was you. The whole Joomla community was lucky to have you as the 3.10 release lead during this time.

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