The most activities on JDocs in 2019 was to prepare the release of J4 and J3.10 - both will be released at the same time. It comes with different problems, like different help pages for each main version.
The Joomla Security Strike Team, JSST, is working tirelessly to keep the Joomla CMS secure and protect the millions of sites around the globe that are based upon it.
The Production Department holds meetings every 2 weeks, in the meetings the team members report and try to solve problems and architectural questions. Direction changes and important software decisions get discussed and fixed with a motion.
Joomla Software Architecture and strategy team was started in early summer 2019 with the goal to advise Production Department on questions and work on a more long term software architecture and strategy.
All active teams within the department are now holding regular meetings to help facilitate their goals being achieved. Accompanied by monthly department meetings, the department is now a revitalised and focused group of volunteers primed to continue working towards their objectives in the coming months.
The Bug Squad Team has been a “ghost” Team for a long period of time, then in March 2019, an Election was held and I had the insane idea to self candidate myself to lead the team.
Joomla Events Team started the year with a very small budget of $15,000 and so we had to put some measure to ensure that we could support only the event that really needed support. We tried to engage the organizers to know for certain they needed financial support. One of the important things we emphasized was that organizers had to submit a financial report first before they could qualify for the fund support.
Early in 2019, Vikas Pisal was elected as team leader of the Volunteer Engagement Team (VET). In the following months he started creating a number of process documents for the team to expand on: VET Mission, Strategy, On-boarding, and FAQ. His main focus was on a new on-boarding process for teams to use. As many teams were not aware of the VET, there was a battle to gain awareness of its goals.
The two main JCP teams, Operations and Marketing, and the Platform and Exam Team worked closely together on the fulfilling the goals as defined in the strategy for 2019 and those from June team sprint in Amsterdam where we were joined by Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall and Marco Dings.
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