August is Pride Month in the Joomniverse! We’ve asked Joomlers to share the Joomla 4 sites they’re most proud of, and ended up with diversity at its best. In this single JCM article only, we discover a wide variety of sites that use Joomla: personal and blog websites, small business and corporate websites, sites for non-profit and governmental organizations and community websites. Check them out and get inspired!
We all have our personal reasons why we once started using Joomla to build web sites. Joomla Community Magazine asked on social media how people started using Joomla and here is a selection of their answers.
What is the average lifespan of a website? I have absolutely no idea. But I figured: with Joomla turning seventeen, surely there should be some Joomla websites out there that are just as old, or even older. So I put a call out, and I found three Joomlers that actually have or maintain an “ancient” website: Peter Martin, Randon Myles and Rachel Walraven. How did their site evolve? And what is the secret to keeping your site alive for so long?
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