Joomla Academy is ready for take off - Join us!

oomla Academy - how is it going?

Students looking for an opportunity to contribute to open source development and work with the best on a great content management system: this article’s for you. People who know their way around Joomla’s code and want to share their knowledge and help shape Joomla’s future: this article is for you. Read all about the Joomla Academy coming to life!

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Seasons of Coding and Documentation, our own program of excellence - The Joomla Academy


Joomla has been fortunate to benefit from the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and other events over the past few years. Often, from these projects Joomla's core features are improved, and the members of the teams that work on these features go on to become pillars of the community. But is it now time for us to think about launching our own program alongside these and bring stability to the cycle of development?

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  4462 Hits

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