A builder's guide to Guided Tours


In the last magazine article: Guiding you through Guided Tours, we looked at guided tours (available in Joomla 4.3) and walked through their use. We stopped at the point of creating a guided tour as an administrator and as a developer.
Now we will finish that journey so you can build your own!

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How you can help Joomla 4.3 forward


Here in the United States, the month of November brings with it thoughts of thankfulness and a spirit of giving. With that in mind, Olivier Buisard and I wanted to share a word of thanks.

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Document Buddies - making Joomla better without writing a line of code


Many things are attributed to Albert Einstein which probably never left his mouth, but one that seems to stick is:

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

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