Project: Workflow Engine

I am Florian Voutzinos, a 22 year old Frenchman living in Toulouse. I've studied engineering in Aeronautics during three years, now student in fundamental Physics, I would like to join a school or University of Informatics. The Google Summer of Code project I am working on is the Workflow engine for the Joomla core.

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Project: JGoogle Package

Project: JGoogle Package

Hello everybody, I’m Aaron Schmitz – an open source software developer and senior in the mechanical engineering program at the University of Minnesota. I’ve been using open source software for as long as I can remember, and this summer my project for Google Summer of Code is to create a JGoogle Package that will allow easy interaction with the Google APIs from within the Joomla Platform.

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Project: Language Installer for Joomla!

Project: Language Installer for Joomla!

 Hi, my name is Javier Gómez and I've been elected to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2012 program.

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