I'm so pleased to be a part of Joomla community in this summer and help out with development while obtaining a great exposure to the open source and web development areas. Through this project I would like to help out Joomla users as well as the developers to get the maximum out of the Joomla modules.
As you may know, this last summer I was elected for the Google Summer of Code program and I created a Languages Installer Tool for Joomla! CMS. Now this project has become a reality in Joomla 2.5.7 and 3.0, and more features will be coming soon...
The original goal of my project was to integrate a Workflow engine in Joomla, which I did. Then, we figured out it will be better and more interesting to rewrite the foundations of a new one (to master the techniques and extend it the way we want).
The Google Summer of Code 2012 has ended. It has been an excellent experience for me, and hopefully for the mentors and other students as well.
I am happy to say that I have completed implementing the library for the platform and system plugin for the CMS to enable library functionality on CMS.
A detailed update for Joomla's Google Summer of Code Program. With the summer winding down, find out what the students have been up to over the last few months. Learn about their project's progress and how you can get involved!
The goal of this project is to come up with a library for Joomla Platform which will facilitate compressing and combining of JavaScript and CSS files before they are sent to the client browsers.
It is great to see that Joomla is accepted as a mentoring organization on this year’s Google summer of code. Joomla accepted eight amazing projects this year. I am really excited to work with Joomla this summer and my project is JMediawiki package.
I always wanted to get involved in a big open source project such as Joomla. This year, Google Summer of Code gave me this huge opportunity to join Joomla community and build something that many developers can take the benefit of.
It has been more than two months since I first got in contact with the Joomla! Community and I really like it. How has this happened?
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