Joomla at the Cloudfest Hackathon 2023: multidomain solution


The CloudFest Hackathon is an annual event in Rust (Germany) that brings together developers, designers, and open source enthusiasts from around the world. They collaborate and innovate on various projects, aiming to create cutting-edge solutions that address different challenges in the world of web hosting and content management systems. Like last year, a team worked on a new core Joomla feature: a multidomain solution. In this interview, Elisa Foltyn and Timo Feuerstein tell us what happened. 

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Document Buddies - making Joomla better without writing a line of code


Many things are attributed to Albert Einstein which probably never left his mouth, but one that seems to stick is:

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

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Explore the Core: Controlling User Access


In this month’s explore the core series, we cover Access Control Lists (ACL). ACL are one of the most powerful parts of Joomla’s core, allowing you to give permissions to users to do as much or as little as you want them to while using your website.

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Joomla 4: HTML Email templating


Continuing our series introducing new features you’ll find in Joomla 4, this month we look at the improved email template system that allows you to override system email messages, as well as creating HTML templates on your site.

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