Joomla Speaks out on its 10th Birthday

Joomla Speaks out on its 10th Birthday

This August I turned 10. That's very young you might say. Sure in human terms of that's pretty young..not even into teens yet. But in software terms..for that's what I am, being 10 is not necessarily that. I am not sure what it is in fact...But I am said to be more or less mature now. But then I have been stable and mature many a times in my life cycle so far...I am a foster child and I have been cared for by hundreds if not thousands of parents and each of them have put a bit of themselves in me. As you might imagine I have grown to have multifaceted personality. For some people I am a simple website building tool, for some a flexible content management system while some see me as a platform to build web applications on. And that's just some of the ways in which people tend to perceive me. Read my complete story!


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Retour sur le #JAB16

Retour sur le #JAB16

Le J and Beyond 2016 a refermé ses portes sur 3 jours de discussions, de rencontres et d'échanges passionnants et passionnés autour de Joomla!
Naturellement, votre magazine préféré était présent et vous fait revivre cet événement de l'intérieur.


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Five Reasons To Choose Joomla

Five Reasons To Choose Joomla

There are more CMS platform choices than ever. All of them boast powerful features but it’s not always clear how these features help us in real life. These are five reasons why many people choose Joomla to accomplish website goals and solve real world website challenges.

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Joomla! for the rebels

Joomla! for the rebels

Yes, I have a rebellious soul. I'm almost a Brazilian Katniss Everdeen. And this is the reason why the Joomla! Project attracted me. First of all, because Joomla! - as an open source project - brings the values of collaboration and user empowerment that are very pleasing to me.

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Interview: Puneet Kala - GSoC Team

Interview: Puneet Kala - GSoC Team

Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school. This year, the Joomla Project is once again present and JCM talked to Puneet Kala, who is leading the group through this exciting moment.

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Translating Joomla Community Magazine Articles

Translating Joomla Community Magazine Articles

The international Joomla Community Magazine is a major repository of knowledge about Joomla. It holds valuable content, generally in english. Every now and then, some contributors take the time to translate these articles into their native languages. In this article I present some tips and tricks for translators to help them improve their contribution.

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A Selfless Effort to Grow Together

A Selfless Effort to Grow Together

Quite a sarcasm it is whenever we hear 'selfless' in this world where being self-less is actually less or rare. We are trained now a days by our elders that 'every person is selfish today, be careful..ssshhhh!'. Does this happen with you all as well ? If yes, then read further to break their heart with the power of our community love and to prove them that it is no more a reality but a mere illusion because We Have Joomla! here :)

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JCM: Looking Into The Future

JCM: Looking Into The Future

The Joomla Community Magazine (JCM) is starting to undergo some changes. Since its re-launch in 2010, JCM has been helping to tell the story of how far the Joomla Community has come.

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Joomler in Focus: Marco Richter

Joomler in Focus: Marco Richter

Joomler in Focus is a new collumn in Joomla! Community Magazine where volunteers who contribute to the Joomla! Project will be introduced to our readers. We expect to show some of the faces from Joomla around the world who make Joomla happen each and everyday. Our first guest is Marco Richter. Enjoy his interview!

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Captivated by Joomla's Magic!

Captivated by Joomla's Magic!

How can anyone be crazy about some application, game, or web technology? This was me few years ago, until I came across this powerful content management system: Joomla!




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