Alcuni giorni fa ho avuto la grande opportunità di partecipare con L’associazione Joomla!Lombardia ed il Team di Web Advisor ad una giornata di lavoro con i missionari Saveriani, non vi nascondo l’emozione di portare il nostro amato CMS in un ambito così prestigioso, con delegati ufficiali dello Stato Vaticano e Missionari provenienti da tutto il Mondo.
Standing in front of an audience of 167 (including an 11 day old baby) and not seeing a single empty seat when the event began was an awesome feeling. It was only then that I knew we had succeeded in rebooting JoomlaDay UK and proving that we have a large community.
Italy, a country most people know for it's pizza, pasta, ice-cream and old buildings. Amongst these ruins from centuries ago something new is brewing. Though Italy is definitely not new to me, as I have been there on numerous occasions, this was Italy in a way I have not experienced it before. My taste buds tingled, my eyes twinkled, my ears itched and my nose tickled. That is how I felt throughout the entire day and night at JoomlaDay Italy.
This being my first article for the Joomla! Magazine, I will give a bit of context about myself. I started working with Joomla! in 2007, developing websites as a consultant, and then developing extensions professionally as a livelihood. Gradually I have timidly begun to collaborate with the community. Today I actively participate as Marketing Manager in the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED), and contribute to Joomla! StackExchange and Joomla! Bug Squad. Finally, as a result of this mega Joomla World Conference, with a team of volunteers we created the Joomla Mobile Apps Working Group. But, I am getting ahead of myself - an organized description of the event follows...
JoomlaDay UK is back on Saturday 13th February, right in the heart of London, just 250 yards from Buckingham Palace. Will we have a special guest? Will you be there? During J and Beyond 2015, a group of Brits met up to reboot the event and make JoomlaDay 2016 a real community event.
This article has been written by the Joomla in Action Workshop during the #jwc15. First we follow the steps for the registration process inside the magazine for the aspiring Joomla writers. After that, every participant wrote a paragraph which is shared in this article.
After that, participants were asked to showcase their writting skills.
The battle for the Joomla-Monster cap, and the magical "yes" uttered by the one chosen heart, rewarding the people thanks to whom the Polish Joomla! story began – this is how, in a nutshell, we can describe what happened during the fourth JoomlaDay Poland, organized in Gdansk - the city of freedom, in the 10th anniversary of Joomla! in Poland.
Celebrating the fifth Joomla Day in Israel 2015, as well as 10 years for Joomla, the Israeli community got together for a full day conference on October 25th, 2015. It was a day filled with knowledge, connections, and excitment.
The Joomla! Community in Brazil, Joomla! users and people interested in Open Source Software got together in September in Brazil's Capital Brasília to celebrate the Joomla! 10th anniversary and learn more about the CMS. Attendees came from 12 different Brazilian states and we had international guests from Argentina, Guatemala, Greece, India, Netherlands and Spain. More than 500 people were involved in 18 lectures and 7 workshops that happened from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - besides meetings with Brazilian government departments and a national meeting of Joomla User Groups (JUGs).
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