JoomlaDay Comes To Denver October 1st 2016

JoomlaDay Comes To Denver October 1st 2016

The first JoomlaDay Denver is October 1st 2016, featuring a remarkable mix of speakers, workshops and Joomla! resources. Our program covers everything from website design & development, UX, internet marketing and of course Joomla! We hope you can join us for an unforgettable day of learning and networking in the Mile High city.

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JoomlaDay Bangalore, yeah we did it!

JoomlaDay Bangalore, yeah we did it!

Almost a year ago, Bangalore was striking social media channels with JWC 2015 hashtag and here it was back again. This time it was JoomlaDay Bangalore, India #jd16in. Yes, it finally happened with the initiative of the Joomla User Group Bangalore. 

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10 Reasons You Won't Want To Miss The 2016 Joomla! World Conference

10 Reasons You Won't Want To Miss The 2016 Joomla! World Conference

The Joomla! World Conference is coming to North America this November 11-13 in Vancouver, BC and it is going to be a fantastic event once again. Let us help make your conference choices a bit easier this fall.  Here are the top 10 reasons why you don't want to miss out on the 2016 Joomla! World Conference.

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Speaking Up at JWC

Speaking Up at JWC

The call for Speakers for the 2016 Joomla World Conference has been extended until September 15th. If you’ve been trying to decide if you want to present and thought you’d missed the deadline, you’ve still got time to get on board!

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Come for the 2016 JWC, Stay to Check out Scenic Vancouver!

Come for the 2016 JWC, Stay to Check out Scenic Vancouver!

The Joomla! World Conference is back for 2016 and is taking place in the beautiful international city of Vancouver. While the JWC is obviously the main attraction there’s no reason not to extend your stay and explore the city during your trip! We put together a brief list of things you can do when you visit Vancouver this November.

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Joomla! attends #HostingCon Global 2016

Joomla! attends #HostingCon Global 2016

Joomla made its first appearance at HostingCon Global 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Billed as "The Premier Industry Conference for the Worldwide Hosting and Community", the conference/expo seemed like the perfect venue to showcase Joomla! We were asked to present a 2-hour workshop and given an expo booth to share Joomla with the community.

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Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17

Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17

For one more year, Joomla! Brasil community was in the 17º Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL17) - Free Software International Forum - promoted in the city of Porto Alegre, south of Brazil, from July 13th to 16th.

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Joomla! World Conference 2016 in Vancouver, BC

Joomla! World Conference 2016 in Vancouver, BC

The Joomla! World Conference is back again for it’s fifth year, and this time it’s in Vancouver, British Columbia. This year's event will be taking place during November 11-13 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Vancouver. 

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JoomlaDay Minnesota 2016: An Event You Want To Attend

JoomlaDay Minnesota 2016: An Event You Want To Attend
What started as a content management system(CMS) has become so much more over time. Yes, it is now the second largest CMS in the world, but it is also a thriving community. Millions of people are already using Joomla for either personal or work reasons. Many of those people actively communicate with one another.
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J and Beyond 2016 - a family gathering!

J and Beyond 2016 - a family gathering!

Joomla! Is often referred to as a large extended family, with that in mind, it goes without saying that JandBeyond is certainly considered to be "The Family Meeting" par excellence of the Joomla! Event calendar.

Now in its seventh year, this year’s edition of JandBeyond sees the Joomla! community gather in Barcelona, the colorful, lively, creative Spanish city on the stunning Mediterranean coast. In Barcelona soulfulness, vitality, impressive architecture and an element of high-tech combine to make a unique melting pot brimming with creative energy, the parallels to the lifeblood of the Joomla! community could not be clearer.

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