September is about to end and the JCM team is glad to bring you another issue of the Joomla Community Magazine.
Many things happened from the last edition of the Mag in the J!sphere: the most important is the release of the 4th Beta of Joomla 4 and the 2nd Alpha version of Joomla 3.10.
August 2020 marked an important milestone in the Joomla's story.
In fact, on August 17, the Community celebrated the 15th birthday of our beloved CMS and Open Source Project.
July is the month of the Semi-Annual Members Meeting of Open Source Matters and the restart of the election cycle with the Call for Manifestos for half of the Board roles.
But, besides the "politics" of the Project, a lot more is happening: Joomla 4 Beta 2 has been released and the Community is being busy with continuing the successful "Bugs & Fun @Home" initiative, that is the right opportunity for the contributors to spend time together, virtually, working to improve the best Joomla version ever.
Many things happened in the Joomla sphere from the previous issue of the Magazine.
The major news is that Joomla 4 Beta 1 has been finally released! Kudos to the Release Leader, the developers and every single contributor, either with code or tests, that worked on this amazing step forward in the new major version development process.
May is about to end and it's being a period very rich of news in the Joomla sphere.
Our passionate volunteers are working to make the Joomla 4 Beta release happen within this month, as well as the Community is going to gather virtually for 24 hours at JandBeyond on May 30th.
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