It is very common to have issues like browser does not serves the latest javascript or stylesheet content, it serves the content from its cache which obviously does not contains the recent changes. The first solution which comes in our mind is to clean the browser cache and all sorted... right?. But you can not apply the same solution at your users’ end.
We’re used to seeing all Joomla community members attending only Joomla events. Nowadays that’s changing. David Hurley and Michael Babker are representing Joomla at a global event, the PHP World Conference mid-November. They will not only represent Joomla, but will also try to attract new members to the community. That’s worthy of an interview.
At the end of 2013 I was asked to develop a web app for creating interactive calculators called Calculoid. It was as exciting for me as for a kid at candy store, first because I was the one who could choose technologies for this project, and second because it was the same week the shiny new Joomla Framework was released. I decided to develop the app as a Single Page Application (SPA) with AngularJS at the client side and at the server side I decided to use, as you can probably guess, the Joomla Framework.
On a breezy Chicago summer day, the opening keynote of the first Joomla! Developer's Conference of the current decade tackled the challenge of demystifying software licensing with an episode of, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Developer?"
Looking back through history we can see those moments of inspiration and those ‘game-changing’ movements. We admire and respect the innovative leaders which blazed the trail and lead the way into the future. We admire them because we know it’s a difficult job. We admire them because at times they were scoffed and ridiculed their ideas were rejected and their sanity questioned. Yet they continued. They persevered and they saw what no one else saw. They saw the future. And they were overwhelmed with the burden to get us there.
What is the outlook for Joomla 3.4 and beyond? Shorter and targeted release cycles, improved stability, no more STS/LTS, solving the Bootstrap challenge, and decoupling core extensions. In a video interview, David Hurley shares plans for achieving a new, lighter, and more stable Joomla core without breaking backwards compatibility.
The once very popular Singleton design pattern has become an anti-pattern. From hero to outcast. Like a sportsman who was caught doping. What happened?
Walking the thin line between speed and accuracy... The developer life is not an easy one. Most would think the life of a developer is relatively safe and holds very little in the way of danger. I submit this is simply not the case. The daily routine of a developer involves a complex and oftentimes difficult routine which most will never see or understand. Quite similar to a tightrope walk.
Last month the magazine editors asked me to stop writing the series of articles for non-technologists because they determined that the objective had been achieved. I undertook the following article considering a more techy audience. After talking to the Spanish magazine team about writing articles that facilitate developers’ access to classes which allow us to build on Joomla using Joomla, the idea for this article arose. So I will try to write for those programmers who already have some knowledge ... although perhaps not yet the depth of knowledge that they want, all that Joomla offers to make your work more comfortable.
In Joomla, JavaScript usage has been increasing over the past few years. Now it is becoming a required need to have a proper JavaScript dependency handling mechanism to maintain its JavaScript Code.
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