Stretching Configuration.php for Git

Stretching Configuration.php for Git

My company worked on a web application that was basically an extension of the Joomla 2.5 core a few years ago.  We took over the app from another development company that had gotten stuck (we never would have modified the core.) It was being deployed to AWS and the original developers altered the configuration.php file to return different values from their local environments based upon environmental variables set by Amazon's cloud servers. When I saw this I thought, "There has got to be a better way."

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  9936 Hits

Helpful Tips for Speeding Up your Joomla Site

Helpful Tips for Speeding Up your Joomla Site

Here are 5 things that you can do right now to both speed up your website and help your users have a much more enjoyable experience on your website.

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  13594 Hits

The Google Summer of Code Has Begun and Joomla is In!

The Google Summer of Code Has Begun and Joomla is In!

University students from many parts of the world will spend the summer break ("winter break" in some countries) writing code and learning about open source development. Joomla! is one of the selected mentoring organizations in Google Summer of Code 2016 (GSoC 2016). Does it mean that students will be coding to make Joomla! even better? Yes! And we invite you all to join us in the GSoC 2016 journey.

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  7282 Hits

The Joomla Automated Testing Code Sprint 2015

The Joomla Automated Testing Code Sprint 2015

A four day Code Sprint for Automated Testing aspects of the Joomla CMS and the Framework took place in Germany at the beginning of November.

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  7299 Hits

Did they fix it yet?

Did they fix it yet?

Joomla 3.4.4 is scheduled for release on Monday 7th September and a release candidate is available for testing. Each time there is a new release, whether its a bug fix release or a new feature release, you will always find people asking "have they fixed this yet?" or complaining that "this bug that has been there for years" has still not been fixed.

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  9748 Hits

Category Item Count: To a Generic Solution

Category Item Count: To a Generic Solution

Last month I described how a new feature was developed to count the number of articles in each category. At the end of the 2nd day of JoomlaDay France 2015, the feature was working… that is, it counted all articles (for com_content) in the Category Manager for Articles. I got it working by adding a hard-coded “if extension = com_content” check in the Category Manager. That’s not a solution but a workaround, I was fully aware of that.

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  8551 Hits

Category Item Count: A Possible New Feature?

Category Item Count: A Possible New Feature?

How does a new feature end up in Joomla? This is a story about how a new feature is developed and how it might get into a next version of Joomla. From conception, to development, to community feedback & help, to testing, and (hopefully) to adding it to the core code. The story you are about to hear is true; only the names have not been changed to credit the people who helped me out.

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  10149 Hits

Adding Fields to com_content The Smart Way

Adding Fields to com_content The Smart Way

I was recently working on a project where I needed to add customer testimonials. I wanted to output them using the format. As I searched for solutions, everything I was finding was more than I needed. My goal was to keep it simple for my client to use, but still be able to output the right format. The easiest approach for my client was to add fields to the Articles (com_content) extension within Joomla. Of course I didn’t want to actually modify the com_content code or the #__content table in Joomla. Otherwise that would lead to maintenance and upgrade headaches down the road. So, plugins to the rescue!

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  19404 Hits

Exploring Joomla!: Some Tips and Tricks

Exploring Joomla!: Some Tips and Tricks

It is very common to have issues like browser does not serves the latest javascript or stylesheet content, it serves the content from its cache which obviously does not contains the recent changes. The first solution which comes in our mind is to clean the browser cache and all sorted... right?. But you can not apply the same solution at your users’ end.

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  16912 Hits

Outside the Box: Joomla! at php[world] Conference

Outside the Box: Joomla! at php[world] Conference

We’re used to seeing all Joomla community members attending only Joomla events. Nowadays that’s changing. David Hurley and Michael Babker are representing Joomla at a global event, the PHP World Conference mid-November. They will not only represent Joomla, but will also try to attract new members to the community. That’s worthy of an interview.

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  17093 Hits

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