Designing Joomla! Websites - Form vs Functionality

Designing Joomla! Websites - Form vs Functionality

I have found that as designers we are sometimes conflicted by the choice between form or functionality of a websites that we design. To capture or maintain the client’s glossy and shiny look-and-feel of the website, can easily overshadow the functionality of the same site. Finding a balance here can be tricky.

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  29977 Hits

Free Your Fonts From the Web Safe Straight Jacket

Free Your Fonts From the Web Safe Straight Jacket

My wife and I recently moved to Nagoya, Japan and we decided to write a blog to chronicle our experiences. I threw one together using Joomla! and, though I'm a developer and know better than to attempt any real design, I'm not entirely without a sense of style.

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  29319 Hits

How to convert Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template

In this tutorial, we will show how to convert a Joomla 1.5 template to Joomla 2.5 template. We will take default Joomla 1.5 template "rhuk_milkyway" as an example and convert it to Joomla 2.5 native compatible template.

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  376850 Hits

Design Trends - Parallax Designs

Design Trends - Parallax Designs

Over the past few weeks I've noticed a few more websites appearing online using parallax methods in their designs with some very impressive results.

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  57264 Hits

Award-winning Joomla web site featured by Apple in the new iPad campaign

Award-winning Joomla web site featured by Apple in the new iPad campaign

At the 2011 Joomla! Open Source Creative and Artistic Recognition Awards or J!OSCARS, the Guggeneheim Art Museum received a well-deserved nod for best non-profit web site.

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  111582 Hits

No Programming? No Worries!

No Programming? No Worries!

In the age of ‘always on’ connections, having a web presence is more important than ever. In response, there are a proliferation of web page design programs that promise good web pages with little or no web programming experience. Joomla does not necessarily play in this space, but how feasible is it to construct web sites using Joomla with little or no programming experience? After all, on first inspection, the number of extensions available to the Joomla community should make this a piece of cake, right? This article is a first hand experience of a non programming newbie to Joomla constructing a Portal for multi-national usage.

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  138959 Hits

Top 10 Joomla! Templates for 2011

Top 10 Joomla! Templates for 2011

As the year comes to a close we have a chance to stop and look back at the awesome designs that some of the Joomla template providers have put together throughout 2011.

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  123644 Hits

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

As more web enabled devices are released on the market, people are viewing the internet with different tools. Smart phones, tablets, portable gaming devices, car entertainment units and even household appliances, like fridges, have empowered users to stay connected to the internet all day long. 

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  47337 Hits

Display Different Menu Items for Registered and Non-Registered Users Using MetaMod

Display Different Menu Items for Registered and Non-Registered Users Using MetaMod

This tutorial is aimed at Joomla users who have grasped the basics and are just starting to require customization that needs something more than the standard Joomla toolbox.

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  69465 Hits

From an Idea to Polished Pixels

From an Idea to Polished Pixels

Many years ago, when I first started designing Joomla! websites, I found that I ran into a few stumbling blocks when working with clients. Being young and eager, I'd always jump straight into a design with very little thought, preparation, or even communication with a client! I would spend hours and hours at my desk coming up with what I thought was the "perfect design" for the client only to get it completely rejected with comments such as, "I was thinking of something a little different", or "That's not quite what I had in mind", or even worse "Are you really a designer?"

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  26570 Hits

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