Easy Tips for Using Blogging as a Lead Nurturer

Easy Tips for Using Blogging as a Lead Nurturer

Blogging has many uses, the obvious to create great educational resources for people to consume. But if used correctly, you can blog in a way that can be used for lead generation. I’m not talking about the stage that attracts the visitor to your blog. No, I’m talking about the part that helps convert into a lead. It is an undeniably great tool due to the fact that you can potentially attract and convert a lead in one blog post. In order to avoid you thinking I’m crazy, I will provide you with some great tips for nurturing leads with your blog.  

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  20222 Hits

How to Create a Socially Friendly Website

How to Create a Socially Friendly Website

Social media is no longer just an option for companies looking to penetrate a tech savvy or youthful audience, it has become an irreplaceable tool utilized to market brands and ideas of every size, industry, and purpose. With this cultural shift towards accepting social media as an integral part of everyday life, and oftentimes everyday marketing, businesses are sometimes left wondering how to build a necessary bridge between their brand, website, and social presence. The process of creating what I'll refer to as a "socially friendly" website should not be considered a possibility to be explored, but instead must be understood as essential to a site's success in modern day marketing practices. In this article, I'd like to share a few tips which will lead every site you create (whether it's for your own business or a client) toward being socially engaging and positioned for success.

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  45150 Hits

Maximizing Your Blog’s ROI – JCM Whiteboard

Maximizing Your Blog’s ROI – JCM Whiteboard

Have you attempted to start a blog on your website with little to no success? Well you're not alone, many of the business owners and marketers I have talked to have the "Build it and they will come" mentality towards their blogs. The fact is that there is much more work to be done than simply writing the blog and posting it online. In today's JCM whiteboard we will take a look at what additional activities you can do to ensure you're maximizing your blog's ROI and successfully building it over time.

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  226743 Hits

Easy To Use Joomla Search Operator Commands

Easy To Use Joomla Search Operator Commands

Today I'm going to teach you about search operator commands. These little tricks will help you track your Joomla website SEO progress over time.  By using these simple tips and tricks you can figure out what's going on with your website, know if Google is acknowledging your website, and see how Google is actually seeing your website online.

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  23389 Hits

Creating Call-to-Actions that Will Actually Get Action

Creating Call-to-Actions that Will Actually Get Action

Your website is finally finished! You have added great content, cool images, the whole nine-yards. Now that your site has been done for a while, you've been doing data analysis for your site and realize people don't seem too interested in downloading your content. Most likely this isn't due to the content on your site, because you have been getting heavy traffic on your blog. Have you ever thought that there could be something wrong with your call to action?

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  18554 Hits

SEO Optimizing Your Joomla Website

SEO Optimizing Your Joomla Website

Are you a business owner or a marketer who has a Joomla website? Are you searching for some information on how to best optimize your Joomla website for the latest SEO techniques and methodologies? Then you will greatly benefit from reading this article.

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  547386 Hits

Marketing & Dating Meet at the Thank You Economy

Marketing & Dating Meet at the Thank You Economy

The way we communicate and interact with each other and with a brand has drastically changed over the past few years. Social media, email and blogging have opened the flood gates of personal communication opportunities and we are just at the...

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  14701 Hits

The Unbalanced Force in Your Marketing Strategy

Many Joomla businesses and marketers seem to hit this wall when they've created some great offer or download, yet find very few people converting on it. While there can be many reasons for this, one common theme I often see is an unbalanced marketing campaign strategy.

In this Joomla whiteboard we will be looking at the concept of builder vs driver marketing campaigns and how they should be balanced and developed as a part of your successful inbound marketing strategy.

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  21276 Hits

Internalize a Business Webmarketing Strategy with Joomla

A simple observation appeared with the emergence of new versions of CMS on the market like Joomla 2.5: with this kind of solution, it is now possible to combine all the communication tools concerning the Internet strategy of a company.

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  15226 Hits

No Blog? No Way! Effective Blogging for Joomla Businesses

No Blog? No Way! Effective Blogging for Joomla Businesses

Many business owners say they simply don't have time for blogging, however, if you like generating leads and growing your business with little or no monetary investment, then you better start liking to blog. An effective blogging strategy is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic and new leads to your website. In this article, we will examine why blogging is so important and how you can effectively manage and grow your Joomla business blog.

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  31902 Hits

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