By JCM Team on Monday, 01 September 2014
Category: September

Web Driver System Test of Joomla! CMS

I have just completed my work in the System Testing Joomla Google Summer of Code Project. I have spent enough time on finding different aspects in which Joomla! can be tested and then writing tests for it. I hope that my work serves to improve the Joomla CMS quality and helps the entire Joomla community.

In my previous blog I wrote about my goals for this project. In this blog I will state what has been completed till now, what is the scope and what we are planning to do next in the Joomla! Testing.

Here is the detail about the Progress

Our basic aim was testing the frontend and we are glad that tests involving frontend have been written and tested. We have taken the tests for menus and modules to a next level by involving contacts, tags and articles in the tests as well.

Sample Test:

 Steps To be executed: 

Similarly many integrated tests have been written and tested. Tests like creating contacts, category, menus, menu items, modules, news feeds, tags, articles, etc., and then verifying their creation on the front end, have been done.

Also different options available for the creation of a nmenu item have been tested, for example – show title, show parent, show published date, ratings and many more.

Tests have been added for the archived state of the elements of Joomla. Creation of archived tags, articles, contacts, and feeds have been tested.  

Many tests have been reviewed and modified to fit the Joomla coding standards.

We have refracted the whole test suite so that everything is in the suite is following the standards laid by Joomla! 

Travis is also now integrated to run System Tests, with every pull request we can now run Few Important tests, that can help us gain some kind of confidence with the Application. (updated travis.yml)

The reporting tool which gives us the result of the tests that we have performed has been built, and all credit goes to Mr Puneet Kala (reporting tool).


Now we, the members of the Joomla! Testing Group, are moving on with the idea of reducing the resources involved in running our current suite. We are trying to work with Different Web driver APIs and see if we can use them with our current test. We will be working with Codeception API to see the possibilities.  

To the Joomla Community

It has been 3 months since my GSOC coding period has started and I am very happy that my mentors; Mr. Puneet Kala, Mr. Javier Gomez, and Mr. Gunjan Patel are always there to help me out from the difficulties I faced. Working with the people of Joomla has been a very great experience and I will never stop contributing to Joomla!

I request the Joomla people that if they have any ideas or suggestions regarding the areas which can be tested, and any other kind of suggestions about my work, then please feel free to drop me a mail at ksh.anand2012@gmailcom or comment below :)

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