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How to insert your logo into a print and PDF page

Many years ago, I wrote an article for a learning website, and I saw that many people printed my article, and the printed article had no logo or copyright. So, I decided to insert my logo on the print and pdf pages on my site. This article will guide you on how to do the same.

The main source for this article is the following forum.joomla.org thread started by registered forum user monsterboy: [SOLVED+Guide] Logo standard in print page button and PDF.

For Print:

  1. Copy the file ''component.php'' from the folder joomla-installation/templates/system to the root of the the template folder of your template that you are using now. (for example: joomla-installation/templates/rhuk_milkyway/component.php)
  2. If you need to overwrite some component.php in your new placed template folder, don't do it, as it may include code that the template needs to use (I don't know, but it's safer if you don't do this action in this case).
  3. Now open the component.php file in your template folder (you can use wordpad)
  4. Search for the line that states: <body class="contentpane">
  5. Now, copy and place this code right under it: <img src="/www.yourwebsite.nl/templates/your-template-folder/your-images-map/logo.png" alt="Logo" />
  6. Just change the source of the image so it matches exactly the image that you want included, and that's it!

For PDF:

  1. Download the component called: phocapdf, from this website: http://www.phoca.cz/phocapdf
  2. Install the component like a normal component in your Joomla! installation.
  3. Now download the Phoca PDF content plugin: http://www.phoca.cz/phocapdf-plugins
  4. Install the plugin like a normal plugin in your joomla installation. Don't forget to enable the plugin AFTER you installed the component in the plugin manager tab! (it crashed my Joomla installation).
  5. Now go to the tab ''components'' in joomla and choose ''plugins''.
  6. Just go to the ''header'' tab and click the insert image in your wysiwyg editor.
  7. After you have finished, just hit the ''Save'' button and you are good to go!

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