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Website Case Study: Kosher Kingdom

Website Case Study: Kosher Kingdom

Expression in Design, a small Florida web design firm that focuses on Joomla!, was contacted by Kosher Kingdom to redesign their difficult to manage website that was previously built on Flash. Expression not only gave them a fresh new look, but also integrated the Joomla! template into their online shopping cart system, and created a second template that is used for the in-store Point of Sale screens that are located at each checkout.

Project Overview

Client: Kosher Kingdom
Live Site URL: http://www.kosherkingdom.com/
Development Time: 6 months

Client Bio: Kosher Kingdom is a Glatt Kosher Supermarket located in Miami, Florida. With the largest selection of kosher wines, a famous prepared food section, a 10,000 square foot facility, and over 45,000 products, Kosher Kingdom is an impressive but welcoming Kosher supermarket.

Development Team

Developer: Expression in Design
Developer URL: http://expressionindesign.com/

Developer Bio: Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, Expression in Design, LLC. provides web design and development solutions to businesses around the globe. XiD guarantees quality, usable websites that exceed your expectations. XiD primarily builds websites based on the Joomla! CMS, and offers additional support services to help your business succeed online.

Development Team: Brandon Rediger, Project Manager, kept the project on target and set up the shopping cart portion of the site, while Rick Blalock, Creative Director and Lead Developer made sure the code was semantic and the look was fresh and usable to site visitors.

Meeting the Challange

Kosher Kingdom's website was a Flash based site that was impossible to update from the client's perspective. Their old site didn't fit in with their vision of selling Glatt Kosher goods online and offering pickup and delivery services to local customers.

Creating the Solution

Joomla! provided the perfect solution for Kosher Kingdom. It provided Kosher Kingdom's website with the ability for their staff to update their weekly ads, post blog updates, and manage their general content with minimal training.

A unique feature implemented by Expression in Design, the Kosher Kingdom site has a separate Joomla template for their Point of Sale screen that customers see in line at checkout. The staff can update a hidden page on the Joomla! site with new ads, coupons, etc and it will show on their Point of Sales screen. See the screenshot below for an example of this unique feature.

Extensions Used:

  • JCE
  • Front Page Slide Show
  • Disqus Comments
  • Rokbox

Custom Development

The new Kosher site was developed in two phases, with the second phase currently being brought online to include the shopping cart and Point of Sale integration that allows inventory to be maintained across both in-store and online purchases. So if someone buys something from the counter in the physical store, the online inventory is reduced immediately.

The cart is a stand-alone solution, but the template was integrated with the Joomla! template to ensure any updates to the Joomla! website would reflect on the shopping cart site as well. It's a great solution that worked well for this project.

Big Business on a Small Budget

For a small development team, Expression in Design has proven you can implement Big Corporate features on a Small Business budget by utilizing open source software like the Joomla! CMS. The Kosher Kingdom website is a perfect example of the power we have at our disposal when skilled developers like Rick and Jeff think outside the box and create great sites like this one.

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