JoomlaDay Events in October 2012
There are JoomlaDay events in Berlin, Germany, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sydney Australia in October.
JoomlaDay Germany
Friday, October 05, 2012 3:00 am - Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:00 pm
Two days in Berlin with discussions, presentations, talks and many more around Joomla!
Der Businessday richtet sich in erster Linie an Agenturen, professionelle Joomla Anwender und Entwickler. Wir haben ein (hoffentlich) interessantes Programm zusammengestellt, das die unterschiedlichen Anwendungsbereiche abdecken soll.
Der Joomla Communityday findet am 6. Oktober von 9:00 - 18:00 Uhr statt und ist in mehrere "Tracks" unterteilt, in denen die einzelnen "Sessions" stattfinden.
JoomlaDay Israel 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:30 pm
Following their successful event in 2011, the Joomla! Israeli community will host the second JoomlaDay in Tel Aviv.
Taking place on October 10th, 2012, the event features a day of networking, presentations, discussions and fun - all focused on the Joomla! Content Management System (CMS). During the day we will have lectures on several subjects, such as, what is so special in Joomla, Joomla functionality, developing in Joomla, Joomla and SEO, security in Joomla, etc.
The day is designated to everyone who is involved in building sites. Web masters, designers and developers. In addition the day is suitable for entrepreneurs and managers, who wants to learn about the advanced possibilities but yet simple of building an attractive sites.
בנוסף להרצאות האורחים מחו"ל, התקבלו בין היתר ההרצאות הבאות:
- עדן אוריון - מה חדש בג'ומלה 3.0 ולמה יוצאת גירסה כ"כ מהר
- יאיר להב - קהילת ג'ומלה, עברית ו-RTL, ומה קרה לקהילה מהכנס הקודם
- ליאור אברהם מחברת WebTech - ג'ומלה באנטרפרייז ובארגונים גדולים
- פריה דווה - המרה מג'ומלה 1.5 לג'ומלה 2.5
- אייל רונאל ושי זלמן מחברת Joomi - פיתוח רכיב ג'ומלה ומה זה לעזאזל MVC?
- יונתן קליין - תבניות פריימוורק וכיצד להתאים את אתרך למובייל
For more information, please, visit our site at:
JoomlaDay Bulgaria
Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:00 am
Joomla! Ден ще се проведе на 13 октомври 2012.
This is the 4th time that a JoomlaDay is organized in Bulgaria.
The event is for designers, developers, site owners, administrators, users or every one who want to know more about Joomla!.
Joomla! Ден е невероятна възможност да се срещнете с професионалисти, готови да споделят своите знания за Joomla! и различни техники за създаване на уеб сайтове. Също така е една отлична възможност да се запознаете с членовете на общността, с нови хора от бранша или да обмените идеи.
JoomlaDay Sydney Australia 20/21 Oct 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012 9:00 am - Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:00 pm
Sydney JoomlaDay is an annual event organised by the Joomla User Group Sydney where the Australian Joomla! community meets and connects at a professionally organised event. This will be the only Joomla! conference in Australia for 2012, and will present the Joomla Platform and the upcoming Joomla 3.0 release.
Sydney JoomlaDay 2012 is at UTS, Haymarket Campus, Sydney, NSW, Australia
The conference will bring together everyone from the lead development team to community developers, designers and end users.
Joomla! World Conference
16 to 18 November 2012
From the 16th to the 18th of November 2012, the first Joomla! World Conference will be held in San Jose, California USA.
For help and information on organizing a JoomlaDay event:!forum/joomla-events
For more JoomlaDay events, and Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetups, visit:
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