Leadership Highlights from September 2011
September means back to school and freshly-stocked pencil cases. Get out your best Day-Glo highlighter pen to take note of the latest Joomla leadership updates!
The Times They are A-Changing
The community is invited to contribute feedback on the Leadership Structure Changes blog. These proposals came out of the Joint Leadership Summit in San Jose. Thanks to all who have contributed feedback so far!
Lightning Strikes
Don't miss the opportunity to become involved with the PLT's roadmap initiative. Read all about hands-on involvement in contributing to future features in Andy Tarr's Roadmap Meeting Call for Lightning Talks.
JUX Do It!
If you missed the interview with PLT member Ron Severdia on the new JUX Team website, you can read about it here and visit the website here!
JPeople Who Need JPeople
The hardworking JPeople admin group, under the steadfast leadership of Sandra Warren, is reviewing the purpose of this social site, and has asked for community feedback. Please take a few minutes to express your thoughts on this important arm of the Joomla network.
1.7.1 Release
A hearty thanks to the PLT and all diligent contributors for the successful launch of the 1.7.1 security release. You've got us covered!
Group On!
The PLT wants to know if you have a feature that you’d like to see in Joomla, or an interest in a specific area that you think needs work. Sound like you? Read Join or Start a Production Working Group!
Transcendental TM
The Joomla Trademark team has started migrating all the registrations over to a new iMaQma Helpdesk installation, which will make it easier to track applications, and follow up on issues. The re-organization of the Trademark rules and information, is also in progress, and should be done within the next month. Go TM Team!
We've Been Saved!
Newly converted JPlatform zealot Ryan Ozimek has been spreading the good news at every JoomlaDay he can attend, and he attends many. Read all about it in Seven Steps to Successful Joomla! Platform Evangelism. Haleluja!
Template Tidings
The Joomla Template Directory is coming! Sneak preview here - stay tuned!
Coming Soon to a JDay Near You!
Joomla leadership keeps getting out there to attend JoomlaDay's around the world whenever possible. In September we had:
- JDay UK: Peter Martin, Sander Potjer (CLT), Ryan Ozimek (OSM), Chris Davenport (PLT)
- JDay Germany: Sander Potjer (CLT), Robert Deutz, Marijke Stuivenberg (OSM)
- JDay Brasil: Ryan Ozimek (OSM)
- JDay Austin: Dianne Henning, Ryan Ozimek (OSM), Andy Tarr (PLT)
Jetsetter of the month award goes to Ryan! Get out of town dude! Oh you already did...
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