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Animation company chooses Joomla and HTML 5, “because that’s the future”

Animation company chooses Joomla and HTML 5, “because that’s the future”

We are an animation company and we wanted a flexible site to explore what kids like in our projects. We wanted to build it on an open-source platform and HTML 5, because we think that’s the future. That’s the reason we chose Joomla!” -- Edorta Barruetabeña, SOMUGA PRODUKTORA S.L.

About the Company

Based in the Basque region of Spain, SOMUGA PRODUKTORA S.L. was established in 2005 as an animation production company for film and television. Somuga creates and produces projects for TV series and feature animation films. These projects are developed in the company’s studio and subsequently presented at international film markets and festivals. Some of their well known film products include Around the World for Free! and Gartxot.

Somuga are perhaps best known for their newest project, a childrens animated TV series for the 6-9 year olds, the HowOldies, which features 78 one-minute animation episodes. HowOldies is set in a world, where the characters are numbers and the main character, Maryeight is a girl who wants to spend her time playing with other kids, but has to come up with creative ways to achieve that because her parents, her teachers and the city are trying to stop her and her friends from spending time together.

Project Overview

Client: Somuga
Live Site URL: http://zenbatak.com
Development time: 6 months
Somuga wanted to build a totally open source website using Joomla! and HTML 5. The site would be presented in three languages, including English, Spanish, and Basque. Somuga would produce the graphic designs and the videos, and 4Web Inc. was expected to include HTML 5 games from the internet.

Development Team

Developer: 4Web, Inc.
Developer URL:
Developer Info: 4Web, Inc. builds highly customized Joomla! websites for a variety of applications and clients.
Development Team: Gwen Ames, Ken Crowder, Jen Kramer, Ole Bang Ottosen, Heidi Stanclift, Andrea Tarr, Justin Westra
Designer: Somuga
Designer URL: http://www.somuga.com


Templates: Custom-built template meeting client requirements
Components: yvComment by http://yurivolkov.com
Modules: yvComment by http://yurivolkov.com and Pop Image Slider by http://www.impression-estudio.gr
Administrator: JCE by http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net/, and Akeeba Backup by http://www.akeebabackup.com

The Solution

The developer made heavy use of the new language features in Joomla! 1.7, including the language switcher. “There is actually ONE template master for the whole site - despite it being in 3 languages, with text embedded in images,” says Jen Kramer, CEO of 4webdesign.com. “There are about a dozen stylesheets, and these are associated with 14 different template styles based on a single master.

While the quality of the website is undoubtedly highly professional and the client is ecstatic about the outcome of their project, the developer attributes a big part of their success to the improved features and usability featured in Joomla!’s latest edition – 1.7. “Joomla! 1.7 made this site possible,” explains Kramer. “We could not have done it without HTML 5, the language switcher, and the new templating features.

The site is a great example of 4Web's philosophy of building sites by using as much of the core as possible, and adding on extensions only when absolutely needed.

We chose 4web Inc, because we fell in love with the picture of the three women and the penguin,” says Barruetabeña. “And because they were fast, sincere, professional, and human too – from start to end. They like what they do, you can tell. And they do it well.

Editors note: Jen Kramer is a member of the Joomla! Community Magazine team.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Joomla Day UK London 2011
Joomla! in the Press/Media - October 2011


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