13 minutes reading time (2585 words)

Tools to build a Component - 5: Component Creator


Our journey until now

In this series we want to show some tools that can help to build components for Joomla. The first four episodes were mainly to introduce the example, show some implementations of it without building a component and building a component without using many tools.

  • In episode one we introduced our example, an event schedule, for instance for a Joomla Day. We explored the basic entities and made an implementation with core functionality (mainly additional fields 1). We were not yet building a component and didn’t use any tools other than Joomla itself.
  • In episode two we showed an embedded implementation, using a Content Construction Kit (CCK) and Application Builder (Seblod and Fabrik). So, we still didn’t build a component, but we used some tools.
  • In episode three we finally started building a component. We did that “by hand”, not using specific tools to build Joomla components. We also spent some time on relationships between entities and how those are implemented in Joomla.
  • In episode four we listed additional features, built-in into Joomla, that you can use in your component. And showed some smaller tools to help set up a component.


Component Creator

In this episode we are going to look at Component Creator, an online Joomla scaffolding tool. Its aim is to save development time by generating most of the boilerplate code needed for a Joomla component. You basically define what tables you need and what fields they have. The whole MVC structure to maintain and display the information in those tables is made from them. The generated code is clean and follows the current Joomla style of coding, as seen in the core components. Although you’ll get an installable and working component, in most cases you’ll still have to do some customisation, especially on the front end. 

Component Creator is a product of Jensen Technologies, founded by Søren Beck Jensen 2. They started to do some MVC scaffolding back in 2009, first as an internal tool. It was published for free and got quite some attention. In 2012 huge improvements were made and a paid version was released. The vast majority of users use the free version.

The free version is limited to one table, no subforms and no SQL-import. But even with just one table you can do a lot! It is nice to get you started with component development in an easy way. We could use the premium version to implement our multi-table example component.

At the moment Component Creator generates Joomla 3 or Joomla 4 & 5 components. As soon as a new version comes out you can easily regenerate the same component again for the newer version. In Component Creator this has its limitations, because you’ll also have to re-apply your customisations to the newly generated component. But there are plans to improve that in the future.


Our example: event schedule

We have built our example event schedule in four different ways now: core/additional fields, Seblod, Fabrik, and we have coded a real component ourselves. We made an event schedule using some data from the Dutch JoomlaDagen 2024, with five simultaneous rooms (“sections”) on two days (“containers”). The locations became columns in the schedule and the days were rendered as tabs:

In our basic component we now have the following entities:

  • Events: things that happen during some time in a day, like a presentation at a conference. They can be of some type, for instance beginners, advanced etc.
  • Sections: events that occur with overlapping time in the schedule are placed in a different section. The rooms in the above schedule are an example of sections.
  • Containers: different schedules can be put into containers. They are implemented as tabs. In the above example we have two tabs for the two days of Dutch JoomlaDagen, the Friday and the Saturday.
  • Actors: events are “done” by actors. For instance, at a music festival the performances (events) are done by bands (actors).
  • Event Schedules: different editions of some festival or conference.

Per Event Schedule we have this Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD):



Event schedule example in Component Creator

In Component Creator I followed these steps:

  1. Fill in the basic information for a component, like its name, your name, the licence, the namespace and which language files you want to add (all will be filled with English texts). 

    Extras: Component Creator can add breadcrumbs navigation. Or (premium only): restrict users to only view their own data or create a module.

  2. Create tables and fields for all entities. You can use almost all Joomla fields, including sql-fields (to refer to other tables with a foreign key). You can also use some special fields from Component Creator, like the foreign key field.

    Some nice features for tables. You can:
    • Choose for a Nested table type.
    • Choose for ACL control on individual items.
    • Add content versioning.
    • Add a web services API.

    By default Component Creator adds an id and some standard fields(ordering, state, checked_out, checked_out_time, created_by, modified_by) that can be removed. When choosing a nested table it proposes to add parent_id, lft, rgt, title, alias, access and path.

    If you add a category-field to your entity, a menu item for categories in your component is added automatically to your manifest-file. The Joomla categories component is used, but still you can choose multiple categories (Oops, will that always go well with ACL rights?).
    <menu link="option=com_categories&amp;extension=com_eventschedule.events" view="categories" alt="Eventschedule/Categories">COM_EVENTSCHEDULE_EVENTS_CATEGORY</menu>

    If you want to use tabs to organise the form fields, you can use the Form builder. That keeps the form clear.

  3. Check for each table what views you want:
    • Admin list view.
    • Admin form.
    • Frontend list view.
    • Frontend form.
    • Frontend detail.

  4. Add a subform. We have our locator subform to add in which container (for our JoomlaDay example: on what day), in which section (in what room), which start time and which end time the event will be. An event can have multiple locators (can be done multiple times), so when you make the locators subfield in the event, check “multiple”.

  5. Put general parameters in the tab “Config parameters”.

  6. Build & Download the component. Yes, really, that’s it. You get a fully functional component, ready to use.

  7. If you want a nice schedule as output, you’ll have to make a special view layout template for it, for instance based on the events list view. You can also make an “empty view”, to only make a raw MVC-skeleton. Or create a template override. But this is not shipped with the component.


Future enhancements

The Component Creator team is working on a system to include custom code. Event triggers will be added to models in such a way that you can develop your customisations via plugins. The plan 3 is to allow users to enable the triggers in the Component Creator interface and also add the possibility to store the custom plugins with your component online in Component Creator. An online code editor will be added to input the plugin online. The plugins will be part of the generated package and so installed with the component. 

This would be a much wanted step forward toward true Model Driven Engineering (MDE), where updating a component online (“the model”)  preserves your customisation. Until this is implemented you’ll have to re-apply your customisations yourself after each update of the component.


Many-to-many relationships

Component Creator does a nice job with many-to-one (n:1) relations with an sql-field or their own foreign key field. But it lacks proper handling of a many-to-many (n:n) relationship, using a junction table. In our example we have events (for instance: presentations) that are done by actors (for instance: speakers/presenters) as a many-to-many relationship: an actor can do multiple events and an event can be done by multiple actors. That relation is stored in a junction table. I now implemented it as two separate foreign keys that can both have multiple items. But if you add an event to an actor, the actor is not automatically also stored with the event. 

OK, in our event schedule example it might be doable to add the relation on both sides, but in many components this can lead to crucial and undesirable  inconsistencies. As we saw in episode three, it is not too difficult to implement a proper many-to-many relationship in a component. We did it the same way as is done in Joomla’s core, for instance with users and user groups. And Fabrik in episode two was also a nice example of adding a junction table automatically in the background.

It would be a nice feature if many-to-many relationships would once be added to Component Creator.


“Bells & Whistles” used in Component Creator

In last month's episode of this series I listed features that are built-in into Joomla and can be used in our own component. What of that is being used by Component Creator?

1.  Language strings  
2.  General parameters  
3.  Item ordering  
4.  Alias handling  Needs title field for automatic creation
5.  Locking, check-out  
6. Filters & search in list view  
7.  Custom Form Fields = Developer defined field types
8.  Column sorting in list view  
9. Trash  
10.  Batch processing  
11.  Categories Multiple categories possible
12.  Tags  Needs some alias field
13.  Pagination  
14. Form validation  Only standard filter and regex pattern matching
15. Access Control Lists (ACL)  
16. Additional Fields = User defined “Custom fields”
17. Multilingual association  
18.  Hide table columns in admin list view  
19.  Versioning  
20. Adding extra toolbar buttons  
21.  Hits, rating  
22.  Router / SEF URLs  
23. Workflow  
24. Metadata  
25. Email cloak  
26.  Finder plugins Frontend search in lists
27.  Help pages  
28.  Action logs  
29.  Module as extra view  
30. Add plugins  
31.  Web services / API  
32.  CLI  


Component Creator for bulk work setup

When building a component a lot of bulk work has to be done, like setting up the tables, models, controllers and views both for list views and for form views.Using a generator like Component Creator will save even an experienced developer hours of work.


Component Creator as migration help

Some extension developers had quite some trouble to adjust their code to the current Joomla 5 code style, using namespaces, dependency injection, MVC-classes in the /src-directory etc. Well, Component Creator can be of help to migrate your stuff by using the SQL import feature. You have Component Creator read your SQL installation file, for instance from a Joomla 3 component. From those tables you tell Component Creator what views you’d want to have and voilà you have your basic component in good Joomla code, following the latest standards. 

I tried it out with PhocaCart version 4.0.11. You can run this component on Joomla 4 or 5, but the structure is not up to date following Joomla’s actual standards. So I imported the SQL file from the install folder of PhocaCart and 💥 all 83 tables were read into Component Creator. Some newer fields were proposed to add by Component Creator, like the “state” field, but I also left the “published” field to input an older PhocaCart file. Push the button and all tables were added to my Phocatest component.

There are a lot of foreign keys in those files and normally Component Creator would recognise them automatically (like it recognises foreign keys to core tables), but because during import none of the PhocaCart tables were there yet, the foreign keys were not automatically resolved 4. So that had to be done by hand. The only problem I encountered was with the imported wishlist-table: an “internal name” is automatically made from that table name but cannot contain some reserved keywords, of which “list” is one. So I had to adjust the “internal name” in the table definition.

Unfortunately the junction tables for the many-to-many relations could not be used in Component Creator, so it was not yet complete. But a lot of the views were rebuilt in a nice Joomla 4 & 5 style after pushing the “Build & Download” button. A large part of the bulk job for such a migration was done in a very short time… a good start for a migration.


Component Creator as a learning tool

The interface of Component Creator is simple and intuitive. Most forms are self explanatory. The current documentation consists of  7 videos, in total about one hour, and then you are all set. You can now create a Joomla component, without writing a single line of code. The free version already gives very useful results, so even as a novice developer or non-coding person, you should have a look at it.

Component Creator produces nice code, so by looking at that code you’ll learn a lot about how a Joomla component is built correctly. Combine it with a book about component development and you’ll have a kickstart in your career as extension developer.



In the coming episodes we will show other tools to make Joomla components. At the end of this series we can compare them and list some pros and cons. 


Next month

In the next episode (December edition) we will look at a very similar online service, also with a free and paid plan: Component Generator

In January we will have a look at a completely free and open source tool: Joomla Component Builder. In February we’ll show another tool. So, stay tuned to see them all!


Component Creator:

Building a component:

Articles in this series about Tools to build a Component:

Extra material like the code for our example event schedule component can be found in the repository for this series.



  1. In episode one I explained why I use the term “additional fields” instead of  “custom fields”. I use “form fields” for the fields that we use in our forms in the components we build. Both additional fields and form fields can be standard and custom.
  2. Zie interview met Søren about his favourite Joomla 4 feature (extendibility): https://magazine.joomla.org/all-issues/december-2021/my-favourite-joomla-4-feature-extendibility-soren-beck-jensen (December 2021)
  3. Zie https://www.component-creator.com/en/blog/92-component-creator-event-triggers-proposed-solution
  4. I’ve submitted a feature request to enhance the import. Bugs and feature requests can be found in https://github.com/aDaneInSpain/component-creator-issues/issues

    A FOREIGN KEY constraint could also be explicitly stated in the CREATE TABLE MySql command, but I haven’t tried out if Component Creator would recognise it. Whatever, the PhocaCart SQL file I used for this import didn’t have such FOREIGN KEY constraints.


Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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herve on Saturday, 23 November 2024 14:06
create a plugin ?

can we create a plugin or module with the basic version?

Hi can we create a plugin or module with the basic version?
Herman Peeren on Monday, 02 December 2024 18:08
Module & plugin

No, with the free version of Component Creator you cannot create a module or plugin.

With the premium version you can, but only a module that is related to the component you make. As for a plugin Component Creator only produces Finder plugins to filter list views of the tables of your component. Component Creator is targeted at creating components, but can produce some modules and plugins that are directly related to that component.

If you want to create a skeleton for a separate module or plugin, you better use a (free) scaffolding tool like the create-joomla-extension I referred to in the previous episode of this series.

Next episode we will look at Component Generator and they offer 3 free modules in their free tier.

No, with the free version of Component Creator you cannot create a module or plugin. With the premium version you can, but only a module that is related to the component you make. As for a plugin Component Creator only produces Finder plugins to filter list views of the tables of your component. Component Creator is targeted at creating components, but can produce some modules and plugins that are directly related to that component. If you want to create a [b]skeleton for a separate module or plugin[/b], you better use a (free) scaffolding tool like the [b][url=https://github.com/dgrammatiko/create-joomla-extension]create-joomla-extension[/url][/b] I referred to in the previous episode of this series. Next episode we will look at [url=https://componentgenerator.com/en/#pricing]Component Generator[/url] and they offer 3 free modules in their free tier.

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